

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2004考研英语真题完形填空问题]1.reference 这个词相当的正式或者说客观。在写英文论文时,它翻译成引用的“文献”。另外,看看几个例句吧: I have nothing to say in reference to that incident. 关于那次事...+阅读


1、I can see a map _____ China _____ the wall.

2、Please sit next _____ me.

(答案:1、of;on 2、to)


1、That's her book.(变为一般疑问句)

_____ _____ her book?

2、He is my friend.(复数句)

_____ are my _____.

3、Jim has a tennis racket?(一般疑问句)

_____ Jim _____ a tennis racket.

(答案:1、Is;that 2、They;friends 3、Does;have)


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