

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一些中英文字幕的电影要求:发音非常清晰适合英语听力与口语学]护送钱斯 09年大片 超感人 美语 肖申克的救赎(很不错 英语纯正 又有哲理) 七宗罪 遗愿清单(极力推推荐荐!!!摩根弗里曼演的,向人生致敬!) 乱世佳人 生死时速(一、二 本人觉得一好看点)...+阅读

Chapter1-Balance 第一节 平衡

Personal balance and Exercises 单人平衡与练习

Couple balance and Exercises 双人平衡与练习

Chapter2-Balance of Movement 第二节 运动平衡

Four forces;Gravity,Inertia Centnipetal Force,Centnfugal Force

Motion, Total joint coordination 四项力度训练:重力,惯性引力,运动引力,总协调力

Chapter3-Communiction 第三节 交流

Mechanical 技巧

Emotional 感情

Fiow of Energy 能量流向

Exercises 练习

Chapter-4 music and Purpose 第四节 音乐及音效

Music;Legato Staccato Rubato 音乐:连奏,断奏,自由节奏

Purpose;Movement Rhythm,Volume Exrecises 音效:运动节拍,节律变动练习


母亲60大寿邀请函英文楼主您好: Invitation Dear XXX, I would like to invite you and your wife/husband to come to my mother's 60th birthday party on Sept 23rd/24th, 2011 at Room xxx, 2...

游泳圈英文怎么说“游泳圈”英文是swim ring 网络释义 游泳圈:swim ring 、Swimming ring 、flotador 双语例句: 1. Do you have any inflatable swim ring for pregnant woman? 请问有没有孕...

英文求职信怎么写你要想引起人事经理对你的兴趣,首先必须写好你的求职信,去外企求职更甚,你需要准备好一份优秀的英文求职信。那么,英文求职信怎么写呢? 英文求职信的写法没有固定格式,但一些细节...

英文求职信的格式Dear sir or Madam: I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of biomedical engineer in your company.According to the advertisement ,your...

帮忙翻译一份英文求职信Distinguished sets personnel managers you : I am a soon to be university graduates in the recruitment of personnel to see your online recruitment company MDP pa...

英文解释志愿者的含义【汉语】志愿者复 【英语制】volunteer 【英中文对照释义2113】 1)A volunteer is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. 志愿者...

有关volunteer work的英文wanna talk about a new hobby of mine which is doing volunteer work for local charity. The charity is called the Lamma Animal Protection and it's based on Lamma...

有关志愿者工作的英文短语志愿者服务常用英语问候与介绍:【常用句】1.????? Hello!/Good morning/afternoon/evening.您好,早上/下午/晚上好。2.????? How was your trip?您的旅途还愉快吗? 3.????? I'm...

