

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中文意思为等等的英文有哪些]等等(表示列举未尽) and so on; and so on and so forth; etc.; and others; and other things; and all that; this, that and the other; and the like; and all; and that;...+阅读

Distinguished sets personnel managers you :

I am a soon to be university graduates in the recruitment of personnel to see your online recruitment company MDP participants information, I am very confident your company can perform the job requirements, since I have a very long love of the retail industry and aspiring to become a competitive retail talent, and have done a lot of efforts.

I was a university undergraduate-and is majoring in professional business management. The retail business is a need for extensive knowledge of the area, while working for the love of the retail industry, I spent a lot of time in the retail knowledge and information collection. Made outstanding achievements in professional course I realize the importance of social practice, the University participated in many social activities during and achieved certain results. As a fresh graduate, the social practice of retail experience and knowledge is not too much, so I would like to start from the bottom, trying to understand every aspect of the retail industry, the accumulated knowledge of the efforts to improve corporate performance.

Carrefour is the world's most brand value and one of the most influential retail enterprise, I always look forward to the opportunity to join your company. Choice sets as a starting point for my job is my carefully considered. I sincerely hope that you will consider my service requests and hoping to receive your interview notice. Enclosing herewith a curriculum vitae in English


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一些中英文字幕的电影要求:发音非常清晰适合英语听力与口语学护送钱斯 09年大片 超感人 美语 肖申克的救赎(很不错 英语纯正 又有哲理) 七宗罪 遗愿清单(极力推推荐荐!!!摩根弗里曼演的,向人生致敬!) 乱世佳人 生死时速(一、二 本人觉得一好看点)...

母亲60大寿邀请函英文楼主您好: Invitation Dear XXX, I would like to invite you and your wife/husband to come to my mother's 60th birthday party on Sept 23rd/24th, 2011 at Room xxx, 2...

游泳圈英文怎么说“游泳圈”英文是swim ring 网络释义 游泳圈:swim ring 、Swimming ring 、flotador 双语例句: 1. Do you have any inflatable swim ring for pregnant woman? 请问有没有孕...

谁能帮我写一篇商务英语求职信要300个词的谢谢尊敬的领导 : 您好! 感谢您抽出宝贵时间来阅读我的求职信。通过我的了解,公司的人文环境与发展前景,我很认同,也是我所追求的。假如有幸能为公司工作,我一定会用我的责任心和创造...

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英语求职信翻译Dear Sir, I'am so glad to write this letter to you. My name is Ding Xuemei and I am 23 years-old. I'am a student of Nan Jing University whose major is economy m...

英文求职信的格式Dear sir or Madam: I am writing to you in the hope of that I may obtain opportunity of biomedical engineer in your company.According to the advertisement ,your...
