

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮助的英文单词怎么写]help 英 [help] 美 [help] v. 帮助;有助于 过去式: helped 过去分词: helped 词汇搭配 help a cold 治好感冒 help digestion 促进消化 help oneself 自取,自用 help sb's house...+阅读



Dear XXX,

I would like to invite you and your wife/husband to come to my mother's 60th birthday party on

Sept 23rd/24th, 2011 at Room xxx, 2nd/xxx floor, 6666 xxx Street, (address). Your attention would be very appreciated and looking forward to seeing you all.

Truly yours,




英文新年贺卡语Dear Ms.XX: I wish you a Happy New Year, and thank you for teaching me last year, I think your wonderful teaching has made my English gotten a lot better,and I...

想找有关爱情精短的英文句子love at first sight一见钟情 Love is blind.[谚语]爱情是盲目的 Love is the reward of love.[谚语]爱就是爱的报酬。 Love me, love my dog.[谚语]爱屋及乌。 Love makes...

请问一首英文歌名字是个柔和的男生唱的歌词是什么 i want放大肯定是的《valder fields》---tamas wells 送上中英歌词 i was found on the ground by the fountain(我被发现时就躺在一股泉水旁) about a fields of a summer stride(那是一...

卫生间中用到的各个物品的英文名称是什么通便器:plunger 抽水马桶:toilet 水箱:toilet tank 马桶座:toilet seat 空气清洁器:air freshener 卫生纸架:toilet paper holder 马桶刷:toilet brush 浴巾架:towel rack 浴巾:bath...

设置的英文如何拼写设置 [shè zhì] to set up to install 更多相关:例句与用法: 警方在广场的入口处设置了路障. The police barricaded off the entrance to the square. 指定,预定为了某种特...

为什么的英文怎样写why [(h)wai] adv. 为什么, ...的(理由) int. (表吃惊, 满意等)哎呀!什么? Why 的问句时, 只能用because不能用for。再者, for不能跟 why [(h)wai] adv. [疑问副词]为什么 [连接副词,...

中文意思为等等的英文有哪些等等(表示列举未尽) and so on; and so on and so forth; etc.; and others; and other things; and all that; this, that and the other; and the like; and all; and that;...

说的英文的区别用法speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析。...

一些中英文字幕的电影要求:发音非常清晰适合英语听力与口语学护送钱斯 09年大片 超感人 美语 肖申克的救赎(很不错 英语纯正 又有哲理) 七宗罪 遗愿清单(极力推推荐荐!!!摩根弗里曼演的,向人生致敬!) 乱世佳人 生死时速(一、二 本人觉得一好看点)...
