

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[程序员怎么学好英语]除了基本学英语的方法外,还需要特别关注专业领域的英语单词、文章。 1. 学英语不背单词是不行的,背单词是第一步,只有认识了单词,你才能看懂它,听懂它,最后在口语中运用。 2. 对于...+阅读

--what do you think about the trade fairs? how it works to benifit the exhibitors?

--To exhibitors the first advantage is that a trade fair provides them a chance to meet a big volum of clines with low costs. sencondly, they can work efficiently. they could deal with seveal clines at the same time making goods introduction and modling to all.third, the trade fairs give them oppotunities to find their protential buyers at the same time.

--and do you think it also provides convients to visitors?

--sure.it's obviously that visitors also save a lot of time finding the goods they need via trade fairs. and in the trade fairs, they can also compair the qualities of goods they need just by taking some step around the exhibition hall.

--that sounds great!


大学英语专业的考试都有哪些英语专业是要考专四和专八的。 专四一般在大二四月份(周末考),部分学校会要求必须考,甚至不及格就拿不到毕业证,主要是为了学校的教学质量和名声而制定的措施。 专八是在大四三月...

进入大学后英语考什么成功计划: 一.每天至少一套题,完全卡着时间。培养时间观念。同时作完之后,立即核对答案,将错误列出。记录在案,找出原因,不耻下问。 二.对付单词,背下教材后面的单词,学校发的那本教...

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