

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


A: As we know that our business is bigger and bigger now thanks to our promotional effect. So I think it is time for us to increase our

workers to meet our customers' requirement.

B: Yes, I totally agree with you on this point. But before adding new working flood to our office, I think we should firstly buy enough equipment.

C: Yes! Firstly the desks and computers are the must items. Because we are all working through internet to communicate and do business with our customers.

A: So how many do you think we should buy?

C: At least 2 sets of computers. As our business is expending, our worker numbers will also climb up but up to now, at least two is to be needed soon!

B: Good point! But in my opinion, I think we should buy 4 sets of computers this time. Becuase we are sure that we have to add more workers soon in the near future and if we buy more this time, the unit price will be more competitive and we can save more.

A: Yes this is also what I am thinking.

C: Ok, so let's make it 4.

A: And also I think we should add another copier. Now we do have one in our office but it is small and not convenient to use. We will be very business soon as we have so many potential customers in hand. So we will surely have to use the copier more frequently. In this case, if we don't buy another now, it will lower our working efficiency.

B.:You pick a good point out. Let's add another copier then.

C: So when shall we go and buy them?

A: Why not now?

B: Ok, let's go!



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