

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考研英语阅读真题]It's not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded(困惑) some of the best...+阅读

Hello, is Mr. / ms 000?I am 000 logistics Co., LTD. Your website in apple order the products is expected to arrive tomorrow.Excuse me, are you tomorrow convenient receiving?Yes, I know. Thank you. Bye! Customer: I want to change of address, -- -- -- -.I: you need to answer me some validation problem.You keep ordering of the recipient name is?Keep contact?Keep the original receives an address?-- -- -- -Sorry, your answer does not match with the original information, we cannot help you modify address, please pardon.Addressee may answer: -- -- -- -- -The clients' requirements we must do it, if you have what not understand can contact - company.-- Sorry to disturb you, goodbye!!



公共英语的考试时间这位朋友,PETS3级和PETS4级考试时间不同,PETS3级是一年考两次,前一年12月报名,第二年3月考试;6月报名,0月考试。PETS4级是一年考一次,6月报名,9月考试。 所以你如果你两个级别都想报...

医生的职称用英语怎么说主任医师 Chief of.../Professor 副主任医师 Associate Chief of.../Associate Professor 主治医师 Attending Doctor/Visting Doctor 医师 Doctor 医士 Assistant Doctor...


房地产英语怎么说real estate n. 房地产, 房地产所有权 real estate re.al estate AHD:[r¶“…l, r¶l] D.J.[6ri8*l, ri8l] K.K.[6ri*l, ril] n.Abbr. R.E.,RE(名词)缩写 R.E.,RE Land, inclu...

请问房地产用英语怎么说“房地产”翻译成英文是:real estate。 详细解释: 1、real 英 [ˈri:əl] 美 [ˈriəl, ril] adj.真的,真实的,现实的,事实上的,真诚的。 adv.真正,实在,确实地。 n.实在,现实,实数。...

房地产的英语翻译您是想租房吗?hello, this is real estate agency, can i help you? 租两居的还是三居的?would you like a two-bedroom one or a three bedroom one? 面积需求大概是多大?what...

请求编一个英语买房子的对话Lily: Oh honey ,i tell you a good news.The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m² 亲爱的,我告诉你一个好消息,我今天看的房相当不错,大概得有一...

请教一下大师用U盘怎么装XP系统网上很多一键生成优盘启动工具。比如:电脑店,大白菜,枫叶等。 方法:1,打开IE输入电脑店,下载安装。 2,插入你的优盘,备份资料。 3,按提示操作,把U盘做成启动盘。它会自己生成,生成后你...
