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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

57. By saying "royal wedding fever" (Line 2,Para.1), the author means "_________".

A) a lot of royal weddings follow

B) the Spanish people are surprised at the royal wedding

C) the royal wedding makes a stir in the whole country

D) the royal wedding bees a fashion

58. The most important reason why royal wedding causes such a great interest is that_________ .

A) a moner is married into a royal family

B) the prince finally finds his bride

C) a famous TV journalist gets married

D) the wedding is expensive

59. Letizia used to be a news anchor who was _________.

A) world-famous

B) frank

C) serious

D) capable

60. Letizia's interruption of the prince when they talked to the press was most probably prompted by her_________ .

A) curiosity

B) innocence

C) outspokenness

D) rudeness

61. The difficulty for Letizia to fit in the royal life may lie in _________.

A) how to meet the requirements of the Queen

B) how to change her character to fit in the royal family

C) how to continue her career after marriage

D) how to face her former audience as a princess

Part Ⅴ Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Acupuncture (针灸) is quite mysterious. People see the most is a person with needles sticking out of the flesh. Understandably being wary ___62___ sharp pointed objects, patients often needs to__63___this obstacle. The best way to do this is being educated about how acupuncture is __64___, and where it came from. The earliest __65___ of the use of acupuncture go back to 2,000 years ago. The __66___dates back to as early as the Stone Age. When you experience pain it is an instinctive __67___ to apply pressure to that location. Also the body may experience pain __68___ the infection is not localized. Your body __69___ sends you warning signals. The Ancient Chinese utilized these warnings, and developed an intricate system of these points__70___ observation. It is easy to infer that applying pressure to __71___ pain with your hands evolved __72___ the use of needles instead. Tortoise _73___ he been found recording the use of acupuncture. The first actual written text__74___ the use of acupuncture is called Nei Ching Su Wen. This book basically __75___ all the different points, but it is mostly a book on theory and concept. The Nei Ching Su Wen __76__the basic rules of philosophy on health. These philosophies branched from two mainstream_77__ during the Warring States period. The first is Confucianism. The teachings of this stress that human body is sacred and is __78___ dissection or surgery. This makes acupuncture a perfect means of __79___ illness because applying pressure to the __80__ body, you can relieve internal disease. The other major __81__of thought is called Taoism. Maintaining harmony is the stressed idea; you must he a balance between Yin and Yang.

62. A) with B) for

C) of D) about

63. A) overe B) succeed

C) defeat D) fail

64. A) practiced B) executed

C) acplished D) performed

65. A) recordings B) s

C) handwritings D) copies

66. A) reason B) origin

C) source D) root

67. A) incentive B) reaction

C) stimulus D) reflection

68. A) which B) what

C) when D) where

69. A) incidentally B) especially

C) naturally D) definitely

70. A) through B) with

C) by D) in

71. A) control B) suffer

C) relive D) inflict

72. A) from B) into

C) out D) as

73. A) claws B) bones

C) shells D) feet

74. A) exclaimed B) acclaimed

C) reclaimed D) claimed

75. A) lays out B) lays about

C) lays aside D) lays down

76. A) observes B) proves

C) sets D) violates

77. A) structures B) religions

C) schools D) conceptions

78. A) from B) for

C) against D) versus

79. A) preserving B) curing

C) recovering D) restoring

80. A) terminal B) personal

C) marginal D) external

81. A) series B) train

C) chain D) succession

Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes)

Directions: plete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

82. If you take this kind of medicine three times a day, it________________________ (可以治愈你的胃病).

83. Instead of waiting to be asked, you should ________________________ (主动开始谈话).

84. The police ________________________ (正在搜寻一个蓄着胡子的年轻人),but they hen't found him till now.

85. These courses ________________________ (使我具备了必要的知识)for more advanced studies in Chemistry.

86. My brother is seriously ill, so I beg to________________________ (请一周的假).



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