
托业 RecruitingTalentProfessionals

12月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托业 WhyPeopleAttendCollegeorUniversity]【指导说明】WRITING Read the essay question carefully. Think before you write. Making notes may help you to anize the essay. It is important to write only on th...+阅读

Challenge: Recruiting individuals who can pete effectively in today's global environment

As panies bee increasingly global, there is a growing need for a mon language in which to conduct business. Today, that mon language is English. anizations find that a minimum level of English is required to municate with clients and colleagues around the world. Many panies therefore want to hire and train only those individuals who possess a certain degree of English language proficiency.


Packard Bell in France requires their staff to be able to conduct business with associates all over the world. One of their requirements for job applicants is that they achieve a certain level of English needed for a particular position. This requirement is met by associating specific TOEIC scores with certain jobs. For example, a Quality Technician needs a TOEIC score of 650 and a Buyer must he a TOEIC score of 850.

Kenwood Electronics Technologies, located in Malaysia, requires all new hires to provide a baseline assessment of their English ability. TOEIC scores identify the training needs and provide a clear path for employees seeking to improve their English skills. At Kenwood, there is a strong relationship between English proficiency and job advancement within the anization and this is a motivator to employees. Kenwood recently relocated their R&D division from Japan to Malaysia, where the mon language is English. Therefore it is now imperative that all employees he and maintain certain levels of English.


These panies were able to streamline their business practices and se money in the hiring process by using the TOEIC test. By ensuring that newly hired employees possess a sufficient level of English proficiency to do the job, costly mistakes, mismunication, and poor job performance are oided.


托业阅读考试常见百句短语汇总51. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起. 52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做… 53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达...




提高托业阅读水平的技巧一、首先要扩大阅读的范围 考试阅读中前两部分通常是实用性强的功能性短文,如菜单、产品说明、通知、住宿安排和广告等,非常贴近西方的实际生活,但对我们国内绝大多数考生而言...


提高托业考试阅读的水平一、首先要扩大阅读的范围 考试阅读中前两部分通常是实用性强的功能性短文,如菜单、产品说明、通知、住宿安排和广告等,非常贴近西方的实际生活,但对我们国内绝大多数考生而言...


