

12月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[邢占军:Google幸福与幸福密切相关的10个词组]时间:2006年05月14日17:14 虽然幸福感很抽象,虽然不同的人有对幸福的不同理解,但是,还是有一些共性的东西,在影响着我们的幸福感。打开搜索引擎,看看究竟是什么,与我们的幸福相关―...+阅读



第六天:抓住基础 词句为先---核心词组篇之一


Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behior is regarded as “all too human”, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Geia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.

文中的黑体(系本文作者所加)代表的是同一个词组:all too(非常,太)。如果不认识这个词组,对原文的理解就会打折扣,而对于文章后面的问题(正确答案为[B])也难以驾驭:

The statement “it is all too monkey” (Last line, Paragraph 1) implies that

[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals.

[B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys’ nature.

[C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other.

[D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions.

无独有偶,这一年阅读部分第四篇文章的第一题的正确答案也包含all too这个词组。

According to McWhorter, the decline of formal English

[A] is inevitable in radical education reforms.

[B] is but all too natural in language development.

[C] has caused the controversy over the counter-culture.

[D] brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s.


今天的结束语是美国英语中的一个表达法:six of one and half a dozen of the other(半斤八两——字面意思是“一个六个,另一个半打”)。


interfere with 干扰

break down中断,出故障

at all 完全,根本

cast light on 使明白,阐明

by contrast与之相反,与…形成对比的是

be marked by特点是,以…为特点

coupled with加上;与…相结合

respond to对…作出反应

in response to作为对…的反应

on the horizon即将来临的

keep track of记录,跟上…的进展

be aware of意识到,知道

pass on to传递给


profit from从…获益

there and then在当时当地,当场,立即

account for说明(原因等),占(比例等)

how e为何,…是怎么回事

begin with始于

in the long run从长远来看,最终

be bound to注定,必定

know of知道,了解

apart from 除了;分开

live up to实现,做到

touch on提及,涉及

turn to…for向…请教或求助

in dispute处于争议中,在争论中

such…as to如此…以致

used to过去常常

bring about引起,带来

in the long term从长远来看

pass away消失;逝世

take to适应;对…作出反应

as yet到目前为止

be based on以…为基础

stand for代表

turn back折回,返回;改变做法

play one’s part起作用

on the part of就…来说;在…一边

be true of 对…适用,符合

as well也

on the grounds of基于…理由,根据

lie in在于

associated with与…有关系,与…相联系

e to…开始,逐渐

take off开始,开始流行;起飞

at the mercy of 任凭…的摆布,完全受…的支配

in return for作为对…的回报

stop short of 差一点就…

preside over主持,主管

on erage平均,一般而言

give thought to 考虑

attach to贴上,系上;使附属,使依恋

apply to 适用;应用

long for渴望

in danger of有…危险,受到…威胁

in mon共有,共同;共用

play a role 发挥作用

make up构成

on the contrary与之相反

with respect to相对于;关于,至于

hold…liable for让…对…负责

he one’s way自主行事,随心所欲

access to进入,接近

think highly of对…评价很高

resort to求助于,诉诸

look back回顾

argue for支持;论证

on behalf of代表

aim at目的在于,瞄准

in any case无论如何,在任何情况下

a host of众多,大量

be opposed to反对

call for要求

in practice在实践中,实际上

carry out 执行,实现

discriminate against歧视

in for of支持,赞同

at the heart of位于…的中心


yield to让位于,屈服于

take advantage of利用

pared to与…相比;比作

ignorant of对…无知,不知道…

find out弄清

with regard to关于;就…而论

in brief简而言之

speed up加速

typical of是…的典型特征

e of age 成年

worthy of值得

at an end完结;耗尽

follow from由…产生,由…推断

as usual像往常一样,照例

not so much...as... 与其说...不如说

in short简而言之

derive…from 从…中获得(或产生)

at the expense of以…为代价

depend on取决于

pensate for 弥补,补偿,赔偿

to some extent在一定程度上

in detail详细地

from time to time不时,有时

related to与…有关

as opposed to与…相对(或相反),而不是

deal with处理

give rise to导致,产生

consent to同意,默认

at the outset一开始

equivalent to 等于,与…等值

in turn又;依次,轮流

in action在起作用;在积极活动中

look into观测;调查

at once同时,一起;立刻

conform to 符合,顺应;遵守

arise from由…引起,由…产生

in general 一般,通常



be bound up with与…密切相关

rest upon依赖

set up建立

owing to由于

be exposed to接触,暴露于…中

put…into effect实行,生效


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