

12月11日 编辑 39baobao.com


Every day that goes by you either move closer towards achieving a goal or you move further away from that goal. If you take specific steps you can be assured that you are moving towards our goal. If you do nothing you are moving away from the goal. By being still, you lose momentum, and the level of inertia of our current position increases. Following these steps will guarantee that you will move towards your goal each day.

1. Gain a Clear Picture of What You Want to Achieve

You can’t move towards a goal unless you he a clear idea about what that goal is. This picture must be specific. You can’t simply state that you want “a better job”; rather you must clearly picture what that job will be and why it will be better. You can’t simply he the goal of “being self-employed”; instead, you need to he a clear picture of what you will be doing and how that will change your life.

2. Spend Time Visualizing Your Success

As part of gaining a clear picture about your goal, frequently take time visualizing yourself achieving your goal. Get as detailed as possible in your mind, even taking the time to write down your goals in significant detail. Whenever you find yourself getting discouraged go somewhere quiet for a little while and use that time to visualize success in your endeors.

3. Associate Immense Pleasure with Achieving Your Goal

A third step is to associate immense pleasure that will occur when you achieve your goals. This can be a natural outflow of the visualization process in step two. Consider how you will feel when succeed. What will it be like? How much joy will you he? How will you celebrate? Make the level of pleasure as deep and realistic as possible. The more pleasure you associate with achieving your goal, the easier it will be to get out of your fort zone and do the things needed to achieve that goal.

4. Associate Intense Pain with the Idea of Failure

Another motivator that will push you towards the goal is the pain you associate with not achieving your goal. In college, this is the motivator that pushes students to write an essay the day before it is due; the pain of failing has bee very real to them. What are the pains associated with not achieving your goals? What will you NOT he? What will it look like to those around you? How will you feel about yourself? Get these pains clear in your mind and use them to push you towards action. Be careful here to always use the pain to push you towards action. Remember these pains are not inevitable. You know you can achieve your goals.

5. Focus on Doing Something Important Each Day towards Your Reaching Your Goals

As I mentioned in the introduction, each day that goes past without action towards your goal plants you further in your current situation. As such you need to do something each and every day towards achieving your goal. Start by identifying the important activities that need to do to achieve your goal. Every goal can be broken down in to a number of steps and those steps can be broken down further into the activities needed to achieve those goals. You need to do something every day from this list. That means even on days when you are busy with other things, tired, or when unexpected things fill your time, you need to find someway to do something that helps you move forward. Even if it is a simple act it will help you keep your personal momentum moving in the right direction.

6. Keep Your Goal at the Forefront of Your Mind

Not only do you need to he a clear picture in your mind about what you would like to achieve in your goal you also need to keep that goal at the front for your mind. There are many ways you can keep yourself reminded about your goal. One idea is creating a storyboard with photos about what you want to achieve. A number of years ago I set the goal of going to the Olympic Games. I set a storyboard filled with photos of the Olympics and of the city where the games were hosted. I placed the poster in a place where I would see it all the time when I was working. It helped me make the progress I needed to for my goal to e true. Now, a number of years later I he been to four consecutive Olympic Games. You may also want to use your calendar system (such as Outlook or Google Calendar) to set reminders. He the reminders keep you focused on the goal you want to achieve.

While these six steps are simple, they are very rewarding. Put them into action and you will achieve your goals.



1. 清楚你真正想要达到什么目标


2. 花些时间想象你的成功


3. 带着极大的乐趣去达成你的目标


4. 带着强烈的痛苦去想象失败


5. 每天都集中精力做些重要的事情去实现你的目标


6. 将你的目标放在首位

你不仅需要在头脑中清楚地构建你想要达成的目标,而且你需要始终将你的目标放在首位。你可以使用很多种方法提醒你关于你的目标。其中的一个方法就是使用照片制作一个关于你想要做的事情的故事板。几年前,我设定了要去参加奥林匹克运动会的目标。于是,我用奥林匹克运动会的照片和所有举办过奥林匹克的城市的照片制作了一个故事板。我把这个画板放在一个只要我工作时就能一直看到它的地方,它在我实现目标的过程中帮助我不断取得进步。几年之后的今天,我已经接连参加了四届奥林匹克运动会了。或许你也想使用自己的日程表来提醒你(比如Google 网站日程表中的Outlook)。让这些日程表提醒你总是将你想要达成的目标放在首位。



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