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Each pany has many "public" who would be able not only to recognize its name __1_ to correctly identify its industry and its _2__.These publics include present customers and stockholders as well as banks,insurance panies,stockbrokers,and securities __3_ who supply the pany with essential services and capital.

The _4__ names of many well-established panies can be one of misinformation,thereby _5__ munication with them. This was the problem that faced Michigan Seamless Tube pany---a pany with sales of 128 million a year. At first__6_,the pany's name tell us that it is located in Michigan _7__ that it manifactures seamless tubing.What the name does not __8_ to most people is the fact Michigan Seamless tube also has operations in five __9_ states and has a varied production line of fings,broaching machines,tools,ans steel bars in addition to seamless tubing.The problem was __10_ by the pany's _11__ ,which operated _12__ their own names and were not clearly identified with the _13__ pany.

Customers,suppliers,and the financial munity did not see Michigan Aeamless Tube as a _14__ based metal producer.They perceived it only as a small,_15__,regional manufacturing pany.The pany's __16_ decided to adopt a new corporate identity.

The _17__ point for this change was the pany name. The new name had to be one that could enpass all of the pany's products and subsidiaries, a name that would correctly project the image of a _18__ corporation.After considering many different possibilities,management decided on a __19_ word:Quanex--- a name _20__ from a bination of the first three letters of the word "quality" and the first three letters of the Latin word "nex",which means connection.

1) A and B but C however D either

2) A production B product C producing D by-product

3) A analytical B analyst C analysis D analysts

4) A business B co-operation C incorporation D corporate

5) A limiting B limits C limit D limited

6) A glance B view C watch D consideration

7) A and B but C so D however

8) A pass B transfer C convey D transmit

9) A else B others C other D rest

10) A decreased B increasingly C increased D pounded

11) A headquarters B plants C agents D subsidiaries

12) A in B under C with D he

13) A parent B mother C head office D original

14) A broadly B sizebly C petitively D largely

15) A specialized B special C specialty D specialization

16) A managements B managerial C managers D management

17) A first B start C begin D starting

18) A diversification B dicersifying C diversify D diversified

19) A created Bcoined C made D imagined

20) A resulted B pounded C derived D changed







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