[辅导:法律英语导读28]28. How Do Intoxication or Mental Limitations Affect the Voluntariness of a Confession?Very little. Defendants often ask judges to rule that their confessions...+阅读
A bon droit 以正当理由
A coelo usque ad centrum 土地所有者的权利范围
A contrario sensu 从另方面来说
A dessein 故意
A fortiori 更不用说
A gratia 恩赐
A latere 附属的
A mere scientilla 仅一点,微弱的
A posteriori 推溯的
A priori 推理的
Biens 财产
Biens immeubles 不动产
Biens meubles 动产
Bigamus 重婚者
Bilan 资产负债表
Billa 起诉状
Cambiale jus 交易法
Cambium 汇兑
Cambium reale 土地交换
Camera Regis 国王议事厅
Cancellaria curia 衡平法院
Capax doli 犯罪能力
Capax negotii 处理事务的能力
Capias 拘票
Darrein 终的
De 从,关于
De assisa continuanda 延审令状
De bonis asportatis 取走财物
De dato 即日起
De die in diem 逐日
De facto subjectee 事实上的国民
De fide 该作信条遵守的
en bloc 全体
en bloc vote 全体票决
en ventre sa mere 腹中胎儿
enquete par turbe 习惯法认可调查
entrepot 中转
epistates 首席执法官
epistulae 信函
ergo omnes 完全
fait acpli 既成事实
fait juridique 法律事实
falsa demonstratio 虚伪描写
falsus 虚伪的
familia 家族
emptor 遗嘱执行人
famosus 诽谤人格
famosus libellus 损害名誉的诽谤
faute de service 公务过失
germanus 纯血亲
gratis 无偿地
gratis dictum 空言
gross modo 大体上
haereditas 继承权
haereditas ab intestato 无遗嘱继承人
haeres 继承人
haeres natus 亲生的继承人
haeres suus 直系继承人
heares legitimus 合法继承人
ibidem 出处同上
id est 即
idem 同上
idem genus 同类
idem sonans 同音姓名
impubes 未成年人
in articulo 立即
in articulo mortis 临死时
in autre droit 凭他人权力
in bonis habere 所有权
in capita 按人头
in re 对于
jus abstinendi 抛弃权得
jus abutendi 滥用权
jus accrescendi 取得权利
jus ad bellum 诉诸战争权
jus ad rem 物权
jus aequum 公正法
jus albinatus 没收外侨遗产
kashrut 饮食教规
ketubba 婚书
kiyas 吉雅论
kreis 行政区
lapsus 错误
lapsus calami 笔误
lapsus linguae 失言
lapsus memoriae 记忆上的错误
lata culpa 重大过失
levissima culpa 轻微过失
Lis 诉讼案件
Mala fides 恶意
Mala in se 自然犯
Mala per se 本质罪恶
Mala praxis 医疗失误
法律术语:诉讼法律英语词汇大全六举报 information/report of an offence举证责任 burden of proof; onus probandi决定书 decision军事法院 military procuratorate开庭审理 open a court session开庭...
辅导:法律英语导读45If I'm Arrested Outside My Place of Residence, Can the Police Go Inside to Look for Acplices?Sometimes. Police officers can make "protective sweeps" following...
辅导:常用法律英语词汇注解Ab initio从开始 形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。Accused被告 Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告...
辅导:法律英语导读46Do Guests in a Home He the Same Privacy Rights as the Homeowner or Tenant?The answer depends on why the guests are there. If they are there for purely social r...
法律术语:诉讼法律英语词汇大全二驳回反诉 dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim驳回请求 deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判 reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judg...
辅导:法律英语导读48Does "Stop and Frisk" Give Police Officers the Right to Regularly Detain and Hassle Me, Maybe Because of My Ethnicity?No. No matter what a person's appearance,...
辅导:法律英语导读34Section II: Search WarrantsThis section describes search warrants and explains when they are and are not necessary.11. What Is a Search Warrant?A search warr...
辅导:法律英语导读7The Questionable Legality(合法性) of Loitering LawsMany people argue that police officers use loitering laws to clear neighborhoods of "undesirables." Some court...
辅导:法律英语导读39If a Police Officer Tricks or Coerces Me Into Consenting to a Search, Does My Consent Make the Search Legal?No. To constitute a valid consent to search, the co...