

11月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[那些裸辞的职场人,后来都后悔了吗]“裸辞”还是“骑驴找马”,是职场人跳槽的一道艰难选择题。 但是有时候苦于形势所迫,求职者不得不“裸辞”找工作,但“裸辞”后接踵而来的麻烦事儿也是一堆。 裸辞后职场空白期...+阅读

By Rachel Zupek

Ever held a differing opinion from your boss? Boasted dissimilar ideas than your co-worker? Been knocked out by a colleague over a disaGREement about a project? (OK, so the last one might be a stretch, but it's happened before...)


Join the club 大家都是“同病相怜”

Human resource managers report spending 24 to 60 percent of their time dealing with employee disputes.

The number of violent incidents in the workplace has been increasing steadily, according to a study by the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). Nearly 60 percent of respondents said violence had occurred in their anization during the past three years, and they identified "personality conflicts" as the leading cause.

Like birth, death, choice and change, conflict is a constant fact of life. It's also a fact of the workplace, especially when you deal or interact with people. While disaGREements and differing opinions are normal, even healthy, in work relationships, conflict can cost your pany productivity, money and employee satisfaction.

Fifty-three percent of workers said they lost time at work worrying about a past or future confrontation with a co-worker, according to a recent survey by researchers at the University of North Carolina.

Twenty-eight percent of those surveyed said they lost work time because they oided the confrontational colleague, and 37 percent said a hostile altercation caused them to reduce their mitment to the anization. Twenty-two percent said they put less effort into their work because of bad blood at the office.

"Co-worker conflicts can be one of the most difficult forms of workplace stress," says Gus Stieber, national director of sales for Bensinger, DuPont & Associates, a professional services pany. "Understanding the nature of conflict, examining myths, and learning simple conflict-resolution skills can reduce friction and their negative toll on job satisfaction and productivity."

Reasons for animosity at work run the gamut from weak munication to personality clashes to poor leadership. Whatever the reason, early intervention is the key to managing conflicts before they bee crises, Stieber says.





冻伤如何处孩子活泼好动,身体防御能力差,皮肤很嫩。很容易冻伤。爸爸妈妈是如何帮孩子防止冻伤并有效的治疗呢? (一)什么是冻伤? 冻伤是由于受到低温或严寒而导致身体直接损伤。冻伤会导致...







