

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. h armature ==>h形截面电枢

2. h bend ==>h平面弯头

3. H habitay ==>水下居住室[舱]

4. h maser ==>氢微波激射器

5. h mos mos technology ==>高性能金属氧化物半导体技术

6. h parameter ==>混合参量

7. h plane bend ==>h平面弯头

8. h plane t junction ==>h面t型接头

9. h radar system ==>h雷达系统

10. h3o laser ==>水蒸汽激光器

11. hair hygrograph ==>毛发湿度计

12. hair hygrometer ==>毛发湿度表

13. hairpin coil ==>u形线圈

14. halation ==>成晕现象

15. half ==>半

16. half adder ==>半加算机

17. half bridge measurement ==>半桥测量

18. half cell ==>半电池

19. half-cell ==>同上

20. half closed slot ==>半闭槽

21. half cycle ==>半周,半周期

22. half duplex ==>半双工

23. half-duplex ==>同上

24. half duplex circuit ==>半双工电路

25. half duplex operation ==>半双工工作,半双向操作

26. half duplex repeater ==>半双工中继器

27. half duplex traffic ==>半双工传输

28. half duplex transmission ==>半双工传输

29. half-duplex transmission ==>同上

30. half element ==>半电池

31. half life ==>半衰期

32. half load ==>半负载

33. half power point ==>半功率点

34. half reflecting mirror ==>半反射镜

35. half tone ==>半色调

36. half tone image ==>中间色图象

37. half transmitting mirror ==>半透射镜

38. half value layer ==>半衰减层

39. half value life ==>半衰期

40. half we ==>半波长

41. half we antenna ==>半波天线

42. half we dipole ==>半波偶极子

43. half we layer ==>半波层

44. half we length ==>半波长

45. half we potential ==>半波电位

46. half we rectification ==>半波整流

47. half we rectifier ==>半波整流

48. half we transmission line ==>半波输电线

49. half we voltage doubler ==>半波倍压整流电路

50. halfwidth ==>半宽度

51. halfwidth of line ==>谱线半宽度

52. halide lamp ==>卤化物灯

53. halide leak detector ==>卤素探漏器

54. halide photoresist ==>卤化物光刻胶

55. hall cell ==>霍耳单元

56. hall coefficient ==>霍耳系数

57. hall constant ==>霍耳常数

58. hall device ==>霍耳装置

59. Hall effect ==>霍尔效应

60. hall effect ==>霍耳效应

61. hall effect device ==>霍耳效应装置

62. Hall effect displacement transducer ==>霍尔效应磁强计,霍尔效应磁力仪

63. hall effect integrated circuit ==>霍耳效应集成电路

64. Hall effect tachometric transducer ==>霍尔效应式转速传感器

65. hall effect wattmeter ==>霍耳效应瓦特计

66. hall electromotive force ==>霍耳电动势

67. Hall element ==>霍尔传感器

68. hall element ==>霍耳装置

69. hall generator ==>霍耳发生器

70. hall mobility ==>霍耳迁移率

71. hall transducer ==>霍耳传感器

72. Hall type pressrue transducer ==>霍尔式压力传感器

73. Halley, E.Halley ==>1656-1742,哈雷,英国科学家

74. halo ==>光环

75. halt ==>停止

76. hamilton‘s form ==>标准形

77. hammering method ==>敲击法

78. hammering type Brinell hardness tester ==>锤击式布氏硬度计

79. hamming code ==>汉秒

80. hand adjustment ==>手动调节

81. hand ancmometer ==>手持风速表

82. hand dosimeter ==>手持剂量计

83. hand dynamo ==>手摇发电机

84. hand generator ==>手摇发电机

85. hand lamp ==>手提灯

86. hand microphone ==>手持式传声器

87. hand operation ==>人工操作,手动操作

88. hand radar ==>便携式雷达

89. hand regulation ==>手动调节

90. hand regulator ==>手动调节器

91. hand reset ==>手动复归

92. hand set ==>手持送受话器

93. hand signal ==>手动信号

94. hand switch ==>手动开关

95. handle ==>手柄

96. handling ==>操作操纵,键控

97. handshake ==>信号交换,握手

98. handshaking ==>信号交换,同步交换,信号交换

99. handwheel ==>手轮机构

100. handy digital tachometer ==>手持式数字转速表

101. hanger ==>悬挂架,吊架

102. hanging mercury electrode ==>悬汞电极

103. hard bearing balancing machine ==>硬支承平衡机

104. hard disk ==>硬磁盘

105. hard error ==>系统错误

106. hard gamma ==>硬量子

107. hard gas circuit breaker ==>自产气断路器

108. hard glass ==>硬质玻璃

109. hard grown copper wire ==>硬铜线

110. hard magic material ==>硬磁性材料

111. hard radiation ==>硬辐射

112. hard rubber ==>硬橡胶

113. hard solder ==>硬焊料

114. hard soldering ==>硬钎焊

115. hard superconductor ==>硬超导体

116. hard vacuum ==>高真空

117. hard water ==>硬水

118. hard X rays ==>硬X射线

119. hard X-rays ==>同上

120. hardbaking ==>坚膜

121. hardened glass bulb ==>硬化玻璃泡

122. hardener ==>硬化剂

123. hardening ==>硬化

124. hardening temperature ==>硬化温度

125. hardness ==>硬度,硬性

126. hardness prrator ==>硬度压头

127. hardness tester ==>硬度计

128. hardness transducer[sensor] ==>硬度传感器

129. hardware ==>硬件

130. harmonic ==>谐波

131. harmonic amplifier ==>谐波放大器

132. harmonic analysis ==>谐波分析,调和分析

133. harmonic analyzer ==>谐波分析器

134. harmonic antenna ==>谐波天线

135. harmonic balance ==>谐波平衡

136. harmonic bias ==>谐波偏流

137. harmonic blocking relay ==>谐波闭锁继电器

138. harmonic bunching ==>谐波聚束

139. harmonic circulating current ==>谐波环流

140. harmonic pensation ==>谐波补偿

141. harmonic ponent ==>谐波分量

142. harmonic content ==>谐波含量

143. harmonic content of an a.c.power supply ==>交流电源的谐波含量

144. harmonic converter ==>谐波变换器

145. harmonic current ==>谐波电流

146. harmonic curve ==>谐波曲线

147. harmonic cycling ==>谐波振荡

148. harmonic displacement ==>谐波位移

149. harmonic distortion ==>谐波失真

150. harmonic disturbance ==>谐波扰动

151. harmonic effect ==>谐波效应

152. harmonic eliminator ==>谐波消除器

153. harmonic excitation ==>谐波励磁

154. harmonic excited generator ==>谐波励磁发电机

155. harmonic excluder ==>谐波抑制器

156. harmonic expansion ==>谐波展开

157. harmonic field ==>谐波磁场

158. harmonic filter ==>谐波滤波器,去谐滤波器

159. harmonic flux ==>谐波磁通

160. harmonic flux density ==>谐波磁通密度

161. harmonic force ==>简谐力

162. harmonic frequency ==>谐波频率

163. harmonic frequency response ==>谐频响应

164. harmonic function ==>谐函数

165. harmonic generation ==>谐波产生,谐波振荡

166. harmonic generator ==>谐波发生器

167. harmonic mixer ==>谐波混频器

168. harmonic monitoring ==>谐波监测

169. harmonic oscillations ==>谐振荡,谐波振荡

170. harmonic response ==>谐波响应

171. harmonic response characteristic ==>谐波响应特性

172. harmonic response diagram ==>谐波响应图

173. harmonic suppression ==>谐波抑制

174. harmonic synthesis ==>谐波响应

175. harmonic test ==>谐波试验(电机的)

176. harmonic torque ==>谐波转矩

177. harmonic vibration ==>谐振

178. harmonic voltage ==>谐波电压

179. harmonic we ==>谐波

180. harmonic weguide ==>谐波波导管

181. harmonic winding ==>谐波绕组

182. harmonics ==>谐波

183. harmonics generation ==>谐波振荡

184. harmonics of the power system voltage ==>电力系统电压谐波

185. harmonious control ==>和谐控制

186. harmonious deviation ==>和谐偏差

187. harmonious strategy ==>和谐策略

188. harmonious variable ==>和谐变量

189. harness ==>点火

190. harp aerial ==>扇形天线

191. harp antenna ==>扇形天线

192. HART munication Foundation ==>HART通信基金会

193. Harvard ==>哈佛大学

194. hash ==>尤用数据

195. hazard rate ==>故障率

196. hazardous substances mark ==>危险品包装标志

197. hbt ==>异质结双极型晶体管

198. hcd ==>热载流二极管

199. hdtl ==>混合二极管晶体管逻辑

200. hdtv ==>高清晰度电视

201. hdx ==>半双工的

202. head ==>落差

203. head adjustment ==>磁头调节

204. head amplifier ==>前置放大器

205. head light ==>车头灯

206. head on collision ==>对头碰撞

207. head phone ==>头戴受话器,头戴耳机

208. head race ==>引水道

209. head receiver ==>头戴受话器,头戴耳机

210. head set ==>头戴机

211. head space gas chromatography ==>顶空气相色谱法

212. head telephone ==>头戴受话器,头戴耳机

213. header ==>标题

214. header assembly ==>管座装置

215. header byte ==>首标字节

216. header label ==>首标

217. heading ==>标题

218. heading indicator ==>航向指示器

219. headlight ==>车头灯

220. health care measure ==>保健措施

221. health certificate ==>检疫证书

222. health effect ==>健康影响

223. health examination ==>健康检查

224. health monitoring ==>保健检测

225. health physics ==>保健物理学

226. health physics assistant ==>保健物理助理员

227. health physics laboratory ==>保健物理实验室

228. health physics monitoring ==>保健物理检测

229. health physics research reactor ==>保健物理研究用反应堆

230. health protection ==>卫生防护

231. health resort ==>休养地

232. health standard ==>卫生标准

233. health surveillance ==>保健监护

234. hearing ==>听觉

235. hearing aid ==>助听器

236. heart sound transducer[sensor] ==>心音传感器

237. heat ==>热

238. heat absorbent surface ==>冷却面

239. heat balance ==>热平衡

240. heat capacity ==>热容量

241. heat capacity mapping mission(HCMM) ==>热容量制图卫星

242. heat cleaning ==>热清洗

243. heat coil ==>热线圈

244. heat conducting ==>导热

245. heat conduction ==>热传导

246. heat conductivity ==>导热系数

247. heat consumption ==>耗热量

248. heat control ==>热控制

249. heat convection ==>热对流传热

250. heat curve ==>加热曲线

251. heat cycle ==>热循环

252. heat dissipation ==>散热,热耗散

253. heat distribution ==>热分布

254. heat efficiency ==>热效率

255. heat emission ==>放热

256. heat exchange ==>热交换

257. heat exchanger ==>热交换器

258. heat flow meter ==>热流计

259. heat flux differential scanning calorimeter ==>热流型差示扫描量热仪

260. heat flux differential scanning calorimetry ==>热流型差示扫描量热法

261. heat flux transducer[sensor] ==>热流传感器

262. heat insulat

ion ==>热绝缘

263. heat insulator ==>热绝缘体

264. heat loss ==>热损失

265. heat of bustion ==>燃烧热

266. heat of fusion ==>熔解热

267. heat output ==>热输出量

268. heat oxidation ==>热氧化

269. heat power plant ==>火力发电厂

270. heat power station ==>火力发电厂

271. heat proof ==>耐热的

272. heat pump ==>热泵,热力泵

273. heat pump air conditioner ==>热泵式空气调节器

274. heat radiation ==>热辐射

275. heat radiator ==>散热器

276. heat rate ==>耗热率

277. heat ray ==>热线

278. heat release ==>放热

279. heat removal ==>热量排除

280. heat resistance ==>耐热性

281. heat resistant ==>耐热的

282. heat resisting alloy ==>耐热合金

283. heat resisting material ==>耐热材料

284. heat shield ==>热屏蔽

285. heat shrinkage insulation ==>热收缩绝缘

286. heat sink ==>散热器

287. heat source ==>热源

288. heat stability ==>热稳定度

289. heat test ==>加热试验,耐热试验

290. heat transfer ==>热传递

291. heat transfer area ==>传热面积

292. heat transfer by convection ==>热对流传热

293. heat transfer coefficient ==>传热系数

294. heat transfer fluid ==>传热流体

295. heat transfer medium ==>传热介质

296. heat treated glass window ==>热处理玻璃观察窗

297. heat treatment ==>热处理

298. heat unit(HU) ==>热单位

299. heat up cycle ==>加热周期

300. heat value ==>发热量,热值

301. heated and/or cooled enclosed location ==>升温和[或]降温封闭场所

302. heater ==>加热器

303. heater battery ==>丝极电池

304. heater cathode ==>旁热式阴极

305. heater characteristic of X ray tube ==>X射线管灯丝特性

306. heater circuit ==>灯丝电路

307. heater coil ==>加热线圈

308. heater current ==>灯丝电流

309. heater transformer ==>灯丝变压器

310. heater voltage ==>灯丝电压

311. heating ==>加热

312. heating apparatus ==>加热器

313. heating appliance ==>加热器

314. heating by far infra red radiation ==>远红外辐射加热

315. heating cable ==>加热电缆

316. heating current ==>加热电流

317. heating curve ==>加热曲线

318. heating curve determinaiton apparatus ==>升温曲线测定仪

319. heating curve determination ==>升温曲线测定

320. heating curves ==>加热曲线

321. heating effect ==>热效应

322. heating element ==>加热器,加热元件,发热元件

323. heating grill ==>热格

324. heating period ==>加热周期

325. heating power ==>加热功率

326. heating quantity of bomb cylinder ==>弹筒发热量

327. heating quantity of constant capacity on high position ==>恒容高位发热量

328. heating rate ==>升温速率

329. heating rate curves ==>加热速率曲线

330. heating resistor ==>加热电阻器

331. heating spiral ==>加热用螺旋线

332. heating surface ==>加热表面,受热面

333. heating unit ==>加热元件

334. heating wire ==>电热丝

335. heily doped material ==>重掺杂材料

336. heily doped region ==>重掺杂区

337. Heiside bridge ==>海维塞互感电桥

338. Heiside calculus ==>海维塞运算微积

339. Heiside-Gauss unit ==>海维塞-高斯单位

340. Heiside layer ==>海维塞层,海氏层,E电离层

341. Heiside-Lorentz unit ==>海维塞-罗伦茨单位

342. Heiside unit function ==>海维塞单位函数

343. Heiside units ==>海维塞电磁单位制

344. hey ==>重型的

345. hey and streamlined fish ==>重型流线型拖曳体

346. hey condition ==>重载状态

347. hey current ==>强电流

348. hey current engineering ==>强电工程

349. hey doping ==>重掺杂

350. hey hydrogen ==>重氢

351. hey industry ==>重工业

352. hey load ==>重负载

353. hey water moderated reactor ==>重水慢化反应堆

354. hey water reactor ==>重水反应堆

355. hectare ==>公顷

356. hectometric wes ==>百米波

357. heel piece ==>轭铁

358. hefner candle ==>亥夫纳烛光

359. hefner lamp ==>亥夫纳灯

360. hefner lux ==>亥夫纳勒克司

361. hefner unit ==>亥夫纳单位

362. height control ==>高度调节

363. height equivalent to a theoretical plate ==>理论板高

364. height of tide ==>潮高

365. height to width aspect ratio ==>高宽比

366. Heisenberg‘s uncertainty principle ==>海森堡测不准原理

367. Heisenberg, Werner Heisenberg ==>1901-1976,海森堡,德国物理学家,提出测不准原理

368. heising modulation ==>扼流调制

369. helical ==>螺旋形的

370. helical aerial ==>螺旋线天线

371. helical antenna ==>螺旋线天线

372. helical bellows ==>螺旋波纹管

373. helical potentiometer ==>螺旋电位计

374. heliograph ==>日照计,日光计

375. helipot ==>螺旋电位计

376. helium ==>氦

377. helium cooling ==>氦气冷却

378. helium lamp ==>氦灯

379. helium leak detector ==>氦检漏器

380. helium mass spectrometer leak detector ==>氦质谱检漏仪

381. helium neon laser ==>氦氖激光器

382. helium spectrometer ==>氦分光计

383. helium survey ==>氦气测量

384. Helmholtz coils ==>亥姆霍兹线圈

385. Helmholtz resonator ==>亥姆霍兹共鸣器

386. Helmholtz, H.L.F.von Helmholtz ==>1821-1894,亥姆霍兹,德国科学家

387. hemispherical reflector ==>半球反射器

388. hemt ==>高电子迁移率晶体管

389. henry ==>亨利

390. henrymeter ==>电感计

391. heptode ==>七极管

392. heptode converter ==>五栅管混频器五栅管变频器

393. hermetic package ==>气密外壳

394. hermetic seal ==>密封

395. hermetically sealed connector ==>密封连接器

396. hermetically sealed enclosure(Ex h) ==>气密外壳(Exh)

397. hermetically sealed transformer ==>密封式变压器

398. heroult furnace ==>赫罗尔特电弧炉

399. hertz ==>赫兹

400. hertz dipole ==>赫兹偶极子

401. hertz oscillator ==>赫兹振荡器

402. hertz resonator ==>赫兹共振器赫兹谐振器

403. Hertz, H.R.Hertz ==>1857-1894,德国科学家

404. Hertzian oscillator ==>赫兹振荡器

405. Hertzian telegraphy ==>无线电报

406. Hertzian vector ==>赫兹矢量

407. Hertzian we ==>赫兹波

408. het ==>热电子晶体管

409. hetero epitaxial diode ==>异质外延二极管

410. heterocharge ==>混杂电荷

411. heterochromatic photometry ==>多色测光

412. heterodyne ==>外差振荡器,外差法

413. heterodyne action ==>外差作用

414. heterodyne analyzer ==>外差式分析仪

415. heterodyne converter ==>外差变频器

416. heterodyne detector ==>外差检波器

417. heterodyne frequency ==>外差频率

418. heterodyne frequencymeter ==>外差式频率计

419. heterodyne interference ==>外差干扰

420. heterodyne oscillator ==>外差振荡器

421. heterodyne receiver ==>外差接收机

422. heterodyne reception ==>外差接收,外差接收法

423. heterodyne wemeter ==>外差式波长计

424. heterodyning ==>差拍变频

425. heteroepitaxal film ==>异质外延膜

426. heteroepitaxial deposition ==>异质外延淀积

427. heteroepitaxial growth ==>异质外延生长

428. heteroepitaxy ==>异质外延

429. heterogeneity ==>不均匀性,异质性

430. heterogeneous radiation ==>多频辐射,非单色辐射

431. heterogeneous reaction ==>非均相反应

432. heterogeneous reactor ==>不均匀反应堆

433. heterogeneous structure ==>异质结结构

434. heterojunction ==>异质结

435. heterojunction bipolar transistor ==>异质结双极型晶体管

436. heterojunction diode ==>异质结二极管

437. heterojunction interface ==>异质结面

438. heterojunction laser ==>异质结激光器

439. heterojunction photodiode ==>异质结光电二极管

440. heterojunction structure ==>异质结结构

441. heterojunction transistor ==>异质结晶体管

442. heterolaser ==>异质结激光器

443. heteronuclear lock signal ==>异核锁信号

444. heteropolar field mag ==>异极场磁铁

445. heteropolar generator ==>异极发电机

446. heterostructure ==>异质结构

447. heterostructure bipolar transistor ==>异质结双极型晶体管

448. hexadecimal ==>十六进位

449. hexadecimal multiplication ==>十六进制乘法

450. hexadecimal notation ==>十六进制

451. hexadecimal number ==>十六进数

452. hexadecimal number system ==>十六进制

453. hexode ==>六极管

454. hf biasing ==>高频偏压

455. hf drying ==>高频烘干

456. HGIS ==>紧凑型六氟化硫全封闭式组合电器

457. Hi Fi, High Fidelity ==>高保真

458. hic ==>混合集成电路

459. hierarchical chart ==>层次结构图

460. hierarchical control ==>递阶控制

461. hierarchical intelligence ==>分级智能

462. hierarchical parameter estimation ==>递阶参数估计

463. hierarchical planning ==>递阶规划

464. hierarchical structure ==>递阶结构

465. hierarchical system ==>分级系统,递阶系统

466. high ==>高的

467. high (elevated) temperature testing machine ==>高温试验机

468. high altitude revision ==>高海拔校正

469. high and low voltage alarm ==>异常电压报警,高低电压报警

470. high aspect ratio region ==>大长宽比区

471. high boiling ==>高沸点的

472. high capacity munication ==>大容量通信

473. high capacity evaporator ==>大容量蒸发器

474. high capacity water station ==>大容量水电站

475. high carbon steel ==>高碳钢

476. high concentration ==>高浓度

477. high concentration layer ==>高浓度层

478. high coolant temperature shutdowns ==>高水温故障停机

479. high current implanter ==>大电流电子注入装置

480. high-cycle ==>高频的

481. high cycle fatigue ==>高周波疲劳,高循环疲劳

482. high definition ==>高清晰度

483. high definition television ==>高清晰度电视

484. high density chip ==>高密度芯片

485. high density integrated circuit ==>高密度集成电路

486. high density isolation technology ==>高密度隔离技术

487. high density layout ==>高密度布置图

488. high density memory ==>高密度存储器

489. high density packing ==>高密度封装

490. high dispersion diffraction image ==>高分散衍射象

491. high doping ==>重掺杂

492. high dosage ion implantation ==>高剂量离子注入

493. high dynamic strain indicator ==>超动态应变仪

494. high e.m.f.potentiometer ==>高电热电位差计

495. high efficiency laser ==>高效率激光器

496. high electron energy diffractometer(HEED) ==>高能电子衍射仪

497. high electron mobility transis



电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




电气及半导体词汇词典M11. m n contours ==>mn轨迹 2. m type backward we tube ==>m型返波振荡管 3. m type tube ==>m型电子管 4. m type twt ==>m型行波管 5. Mach angle ==>马赫角 6. Mach con...

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“无聊”新表达Meh进入词典'Meh': new word for indifference enters English dictionary "Meh", a word which indicates a lack of interest or enthusiasm, became the latest addition to the Col...

半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹疗效观察[摘 要] 目的:观察半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹的效果。方法:外耳道湿疹患者25例,30耳,均为经耳科常规药物治疗效果不佳者。给予波长650 nm半导体激光耳腔内照射,输出功率20...
