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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读



Questions 1-7

。 Read these sentences and the three pany plans below.

。 Which pany does each sentence describe?

。 For each sentence mark one letter(A ,B or C)on your Answer Sheet.


To bine its operations in different parts of the world will se a lot of money for the pany.

Answer: B

1. The pany has businesses in four continents of the world.

2. The pany has appointed a new manager in charge of medicines.

3. New automobiles will be developed in its program centers.

4. A reform is being carried out in its anizations.

5. Goods for hair protection makes a lot of money for the pany.

6. It tries to be more ready to meet the needs of the customers.

7. The pany is made up of fourteen subpanies all over the world.


To se up to $ 3 billion a year, Ford is merging its manufacturing, sales, and product development operations in North America and Europe-and eventually in Lation America and Asia. And in a move toward a more horizontal anization the pany is setting up five program centers with worldwide responsibility in develop new cars and trucks.


Big Blue is reanizing its marketing and sales operations into 14 worldwide industry groups ,such as banking ,retail ,and insurance. In moving away from an anization based on geography, IBM hopes to eliminate turf wars and make itself more responsive to customers.


Bristol-Meyers Squibb is revamping its consumer business by appointing a new chief responsible for its worldwide consumer medicines business such as Bufferin and Excedrin. The

11, 400 million U. S. dollars drug pany also has formed a new unit with worldwide

responsibility for its Clairol and other hair-care products.


Questions 8-12

。 Read this proposal about the CPT Word Processor.

。 Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

。 Fore

ach blank ( 8 -12) mark one letter(A -I)on your Answer Sheet.

。 De not mark any letter twice.

。 One answer has been given as an example.

15 June 1993

Ms. Martha Weston

Word Processing Supervisor

ABC pany

Post Office Box 1072

28 King s Street London

Dear Ms. Weston.

Performance of the Cpt Equipment

I m Pleased to tell you about our experience with the CPT Word Processor as you requested recently…… ……example …… …… I assume you he looked at several machines and he narrowed down your choices. Here are my observations.

An approach to adopting word processors

Eighteen months ago we adopted CPT equipment on limited scale with the idea in mind that we could gradually get rid of electric typewriters as we became familiar with the word processor. …… 8 ……The stations are actually in pairs so each pair can share a mon printer…… 9……

We use the equipment as dedicated word processors, although we do he the ability to link up with our puter installation.

The step-at-a-time development of our word-processing center has, we think, sed us money and training time. ……10……


In terms of performance , the CPT equipment is excellent. …… ……11…… ……Moreover our service contract and warranty he covered all maintenance costs.

We he software packages that check spelling and signal when a mistake occure. …… 12 ……Using both printers , we recently prepared 1200 individually typed form letter mailings a under four hours. We he no plaint about our preparation of executive reports.

Example: I

A So it works very well and has so many different functions.

B Also it has reduced the confusion that exists about buying software packages .

C The train stops at each station for only fifteen minutes.

D We began with two work stations and now he four.

E Our routine letters are prepared from disc-stored masters.

F The Rotary W printer with a speed of 45 characters a second can easily handle two input stations.

G In contrast ,its size and weight are ideal for carrying.

H We he not yet experienced mechanical problems so far.

I We are pleased with its performance and multi-functions.



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