

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


Geosynchronous Satellite


地球同步卫星的英文原词是Geosynchronous Satellite

A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite whose orbital track on the Earth repeats regularly over points on the Earth over time. If such a satellite's orbit lies over the equator, it is called a geostationary satellite. The orbits of the satellites are known as the geosynchronous orbit and geostationary orbit. Other well-known geosynchronous orbits include the well-known Molnya and Tundra elliptical orbits.


According to Kepler's Third Law, the orbital period of a satellite in a circular orbit increases with increasing altitude. Space stations and shuttles in Low Earth orbit (LEO), typically two or four hundred miles above the Earth's surface make between fifteen and sixteen revolutions per day. The Moon, at an altitude of about 240,000 miles (385,000km), takes thirty days to make a plete rotation. Between those extremes lies the "magic" altitude of 22,300 miles (35,786km) at which a satellite's orbital period matches, or is an integral part of, the period at which the Earth rotates: once every sidereal day (23 hours 56 minutes). In that case, the satellite is said to be geosynchronous.

If a geosynchronous satellite's orbit is not exactly aligned with the equator, known as an inclined orbit, it will appear (when viewed by someone on the ground) to oscillate daily around a fixed point in the sky. As the angle between the orbit and the equator decreases, the magnitude of this oscillation bees smaller; when the orbit lies entirely over the equator, the satellite remains stationary relative to the Earth's surface ¨C it is said to be geostationary.


There are approximately 300 operational geosynchronous satellites.

Geostationary satellites appear to be fixed over one spot above the equator. Receiving and transmitting antennae on the earth do not need to track such a satellite. These antennae can be fixed in place and are much less expensive than tracking antennae. These satellites he revolutionized global munications, television broadcasting and weather forecasting, and he a number of important defense and intelligence applications.

One disadvantage of geostationary satellites is a result of their high altitude: radio signals take approximately 1/4 of a second to reach and return from the satellite, resulting in a small but significant signal delay. This delay increases the difficulty of telephone conversation and reduces the performance of mon work protocols such as TCP/IP, but does not present a problem with non-interactive systems such as television broadcasts. There are a number of proprietary satelli

te data protocols that are designed to proxy TCP/IP connections over long-delay satellite links these are marketed as being a partial solution to the poor performance of native TCP over satellite links. TCP presumes that all loss is due to congestion, not errors, and probes link capacity with its "slow start" algorithm, which only sends packets once it is known that earlier packets he been received. Slow start is very slow over a path using a geostationary satellite.

Another disadvantage of geostationary satellites is the inplete geographical coverage, since ground stations at higher than roughly 60 degrees latitude he difficulty reliably receiving signals at low elevations. Satellite dishes in the Northern Hemisphere would need to be pointed almost directly towards the south, the general direction where the centre of our galaxy is also located, whose intense cosmic radiation bombards the receivers with strong radio noise and suppresses most signals. The signals would he to pass through the largest amount of atmosphere, and could even be blocked by land features In the USSR, a practical solution has been developed for this problem with the creation of special Molnya / Orbita inclined path satellite works with elliptical orbits. Similar elliptical orbits are used for the Sirius Radio satellites.

Furthermore, since geostationary satellites are always positioned above the equator, it is impossible for them to see the north or south poles. They are able to cover the areas equal or less than 70 degrees latitude north or south; the Earth is not perfectly spherical, but flattened at the poles.


The concept was first proposed by the science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke in a paper in Wireless World in 1945, based on Herman Poto?nik's previous work. Working prior to the advent of solid-state electronics, Clarke envisioned a trio of large, manned space stations arranged in a triangle around the pla. Modern satellites are numerous, unmanned, and often no larger than an automobile.

The first geosynchronous satellite was Syn 2, launched on a Delta rocket B booster from Cape Caneral 26 July 1963. It was used a few months later for the world's first satellite relayed telephone call, between U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Nigerian Prime minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.

The first geostationary munication satellite was Syn 3, launched on August 19, 1964 with a Delta D launch vehicle from Cape Caneral. The satellite, in orbit near the International Date Line, was used to telecast the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo to the United States. It was the first television program to cross the Pacific ocean.



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