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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Upgrade Your English (升级你的英语)






Using extracts from BBC World Service Learning English radio programmes, this booklet will help you to…

①get out of a learning rut.

②widen your vocabulary.

③give yourself time to think in conversations.

④change the tone of what you say.

⑤keep the conversation going.

⑥change your pronunciation.

⑦improve your spelling.

⑧upgrade your e-mails.











①Getting out of a learning rut

For many learners of English, expressing simple ideas can be quite easy. However, when you he mastered the basics of English, it can be a bigger challenge to express exactly what you want to say- in the way you want to say it. For this reason, many learners at intermediate level can find themselves in a learning rut- able to express their ideas but unable to make progress to a more sophisticated level of language use.



In this extract from English Makeover, language teaching expert Karen Adams gives you advice on how to get out if a learning rut.

在以下这篇精选中,语言教学专家Karen Adams为你提供如何走出学习常轨的建议。

When reading the extract, imagine you he to describe it to an English-speaking friend. How many different adjectives could you use to describe the programme?


I think a major problem which learners he when they get to an intermediate level is to do with motivation. By this level, most people can express their ideas fairly adequately. The grammar and vocabulary may be quite simple but they can get the ideas across. It is at this point that learners really he to find a need to learn more- to vary how they speak and the ideas they express. This can be quite hard if you he a small circle of friends and you all share the same interests- because you will probably talk about the same things all the time. And if you talk with the same people all the time, you are unlikely to need a very wide range of vocabulary and expression. My advice to students is usually to find a new hobby or interest. For example, if there is a cultural center in your town which shows films, why not go along to meet new people and talk about films? If that’s not possible, why not suggest that your language school or learning circle start a drama club? By putting yourself in a position where you need to use English in a different way to normal, you give yourself the need to them.

1. Why can it be difficult to motivate yourself to learn when you are at an intermediate level?

2. What is Karen’s main suggestion for getting out of a learning rut?

5 top tips for getting your English out of a rut


1.Find something new to talk about. One useful way of doing this is to start a reading group with friends. Each month, arrange to read a different book (preferably in English) then he a meeting to discuss it- in English. Make sure you choose a variety of different books so that you he to learn some new vocabulary each time.


2.Meet new people. If you only speak English with friends, you will probably use the same, informal language all the time. By joining a new club or going to events where you know English will be spoken, you will need to use a different register of English. If this isn’t possible, forming a drama club can help you to create opportunities for using English in different ways.


3.Activate what you know already. Even in our first language, we all know or understand more words that we actively use. Try to test your knowledge by ‘brainstorming’. Think of a topic and give yourself 5 minutes to write down all the words you know related to that topic. You may be surprised by how many you can remember.


4.Vary the programmes you listen to. For example, if you only listen to sports programmes, you will limit the vocabulary you learn to sport-related words. The wider the variety you listen to, the wider your vocabulary will bee.


5.Set yourself some new learning goals. You can now express you ideas- but what would you like to be able to do next? By setting yourself clear goals to achieve over the next month, you will be able to revitalize your approach to learning English.




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