

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[圣地亚哥留学租房之考驾照攻略San Diego]很多小伙伴都要到美国留学了,据小居(即异乡好居Uhouzz)了解,很多留学生小伙伴们都有买车的打算,但是,买车之前,小伙伴们可能需要先考下驾照才行哦。那么今天小居就要给各位即将到美...+阅读

Is it difficult to pass the test and get a licence?


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A:Is it difficult to pass the test and get a licence?


B: Yes, it can be quite tough. You don't always pass the test first time.

B: 是的,会很难。不是每个人都能考试的。

A: Do you go to a special driving school for lessons?

A: 你要去专门的驾驶学校上课吗?

B: Yes, and it's not cheap. But I really want to learn.

B: 是的,而且学费不便宜。但是我确实想去学。

A: I can understand that. Everybody wants to drive.

A: 我能理解。每个人都想开车。

B: It would make such a big difference to my life, especially going to work every day.

B: 学会开车将给我的生活带来很大的变化,尤其是对每天上班来说。

美国习惯用语流行美语教程英语900句 奥运英语 1000句

Notes 注释

1. You talk about passing a test, whether it's a test in school or a driving test, e.g. Is it difficult to pass the driving test?

无论是学校的考试还是驾驶考试,都可以用passing a test (通过考试). 例如:Is it difficult to pass the driving test? (通过驾驶考试吗?)

2. You can talk about how tough or hard or difficult something is ,e.g. The driving test can be quite tough. The English test was really hard.

你可以说某事 tough (难)或者hard (不容易) 或者 difficult (困难)。例如: The driving test can be quite tough. (驾驶考试会很难。) The English test was really hard. (英语考试真的很难。)



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