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puter are now being pushed into school.We know that multimedia will make __1_ easy and fun.Children will happily learn from __2_ characters while taught by expertly __3_ software.Who needs teachers when you he got __4_ education?These expensive toys are difficult to use in the classroom and __5_ extensive teacher training.Sure,kids love video games——__6_ think of you own experience:can you __7_ even one educational filmstrip of many years ago?I'll __8_ you remember the two or three great teachers who made a __9_ in your life.

Then there is cyberbusiness.We are promised _10__ catalog shopping——just point and click for great deals.We'll order airline tickets _11__ the work,book restaurants and negotiate sales _12__.Stores will bee obsolete.So how e my local mall does more __13_ in an afternoon than the entire Inter __14_ in an month?Even if there were a trustworthy way to __15_ money over the Inter,the work is __16_ a most essential ingredient of trade and merce:salespeople.

What's absent from this electronic wonderland?People contact.puters and works __17_ us from one another.A work chat line is a limp __18_ for meeting friends over coffee.No interactive multi

media display es __19_ to the excitement of a __20_ concert.This virtual reality where frustration is legion and where——in the holy names of Education and Progress——important aspects of human interactions are relentlessly devalued.

1) A schoolwork B exercise C teamwork D research

2) A stimulated B animated C developed D interested

3) A guided B prepared C tailored D sold

4) A puter-aided B puter-presented

C puter-designed D puter-developed

5) A promise B introduce C encourage D require

6) A but B just C and D therefore

7) A appreciate B recall C ment D produce

8) A remend B guess C bet D urge

9) A result B mark C impression D difference

10) A immediate B free C versatile D instant

11) A over B with C by D in

12) A decisions B agreements C contracts D plans

13) A munication B merce C business D program

14) A reserves B handles C subscribes D transmits

15) A mail B deposit C send D se

16) A missing B disappearing C expelling D retaining

17) A dismantle B confine C discriminate D isolate

18) A occasion B substitute C change D promise

19) A near B up C close D back

20) A life B alive C living D live


1——5 ABCAD

6——10 ABCDD

11——15 ACCBC

16——20 ADBBD


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