

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


151 What is the most important animal in your country? Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.

In this world, there are many important animals. They help people in a wide range of ways from food production to scientific research. But what is the most important animal in my country, when I am confronted with such an intriguing question, I would not hesitate to choose the Giant panda. There are numerous reasons to support my opinion, I would explore a few of most pivotal Ones here as follows.

To begin with, the primary reason for my propensity for the giant panda is that it is one of national treasures in China and it has bee a symbol of my motherland. Giant pandas exist only in southwest mountains of China and today, only around 1000 giant pandas survive on Earth. They provide zoologists with high value to study old specimen because they are well evolved. Nevertheless, facing the theats of low reproductive rate, hibitat destruction and poaching, giant pandas are endangered. The government of China has realized this point and has taken action to protect giant pandas, the significance of which is profound from the aspects of environmental protection and technological development to China and even the whole world. Thereby, giant pandas are important to China.

Next, the second reason can be seen by every one is that giant pandas are regarded as friendly ambassadors to improve the relationship between China and other countries. Giant pandas are Universally loved and weled when they are sent to other countries. They bring chinese friendship to people all over the world. Moreover, the worldwide love for pandas has been bined with international efforts to keep them from being extinct. This promote the international munication and cooperation.

In addition, the cute image of giant pandas is applied extensively which profit China to cultivate ethos. It is used as the brand of the ethical enterprise and the sign of the environmental anization. Nowadays, Beijing's Olympic mittee is hearing Chinese people's ideas for the 2008 mascot. Most of Chinese people are proud of possessing this priceless treasure and thus vote for electing the giant panda.

As discussed above, the giant panda is the most important animal of China depending on the consideration of emotional needs, ,studying value and social development. With rapid economic progress, it is more important than ever before to ensure the giant panda`s surrvival.








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