

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[德中电子类常用名词缩写]AC(alternating current) 交流(电)A/D(analog to digital) 模拟/数字转换ADC(analog to digital convertor) 模拟/数字转换器ADM(adaptive delta modulation) 自适应增量调...+阅读

face to face dimension,端面距尺寸

facsimile seismograph,传真式地震仪

factory munication,工厂通信

factory information protocol,工厂信息协议


Fahrenheit temperature scale,华氏温标

fail safe,换效安全

fail tree analysis,失效树分析


failure diagnosis,失效诊断

failure mechanism,失效机理

failure mode,失效率

failure recognition,失效识别

failure valve position,阀断源位置

failure cable,流线型拖缆

fall time,下降时间

falling coaxial cylinder viseter,同轴圆筒下落粘度计

falling sphere viseter,落球粘度计

false strain,虚假应变

fanning mill anemometer,叶轮式风速表

far field,远场

far infra-red radiant element,远红外副射元件

far infrared radiation,远红外辐射

Faraday cage,静电屏蔽

farinfrared spectrophotometer,远红外分光光度计

fast atom bombardment,(FAB),快速原子轰击

faster-than-real-time simulation,超实时仿真


fatigue characteristic,疲劳特性

fatigue failure,疲劳破裂

fatibue life,疲劳寿命

fatigue limit,疲劳极限

fatigue strain gauge,疲劳应变计

fatigue testing machine,疲劳试验机



feasibility study,可行性研究

feasible cooordination,可行协调

feasible region,可行域

feature detection,特征检测


feedback pensation,反馈补偿

feedback control,反馈控制

feedback controller,反馈控制器

feedback elements,反馈元件

feedback gain,反馈增益

feedback loop,反馈回路

feedback path,反馈通路

feedback signal,反馈信号


feedforward pensation,前馈补偿

feedforward control,前馈控制下

feedforward path,前馈通路


ferrodynamic galvanometer,铁磁电动系振动子

ferrodynamic instrument,铁磁电动系仪表


FET gas transducer[sensor],场效应(管)湿度传感器

fiber munication,光纤通信

fiducial error,引用误差

fiducial value,引用值;基值


field balancing,现场平衡

field balancing equipment,现场平衡设备

field coil,励磁线圈

field controller,磁场控制器

field data,现场数据

field desorption(FD),场解吸

field emission electron image,场发射电子象

field emission gun,场发射电子枪

field emission microscope,场发射显微镜

field ion emission microscope,场离子发射显微镜

field ionization source;FI source,场电离源

field test,现场试验

field of view,视场

field rdliability test,现场可靠性试验

field stop,视场光栏

field sweeping,场扫描

field-frequency lock,场频锁


fieldbus control system(FCS),现场总线控制系统

filament image,灯丝象

filar suspended galvanometer,悬丝式检流计


file maintenance,文卷维护

fill factor,占空因子;填充率

filled system thermometer,压力式温度计

filled thermal system,充灌式感温系统

film recording thermograph,照相温度(表)

film sample,薄膜样品

film varstor,膜式电压敏电阻器


filter device,滤光装置

filtered electron image,过滤电子象

filtered electron lens,过滤电子透镜

final controlling element,终端控制元件;执行器

final state,终态

final controlling element,终端控制元件;执行器

final state,终态

final temperature,终了温度终止温度

Fineman nephoscope,法因曼测云器

finte automaton,有限自动机

fire behiour,着火性能

fire integrity,整体着火性

fire resistance,耐火性 fire stability,对火稳定性 firmware,固件 fish finder,鱼探仪 fitting,管件

five-ponent borehole magometer,井中五分量磁测井仪

fixed core,定铁芯


fixed points method of calibration,定点法标定

fixed resistance input type volt ratio box,定阻输入式分压箱

fixed resistance output type volt ratio box,定阻输出式分压箱

fixed set point control,定值控制

fixed set point control system,定值控制系统

rixed-based natural frequency,固定基础固有频率


flame emission spectrometry,火焰发射光谱法

flame ionization detector(FID),火焰离子化检测器

flame photometric detector(FPD),火焰光度检测器

flame proof enclsoure(Ex d),隔爆外壳(Ex d)

flame temperature detector,火焰温度检测器

flange pressure tappings,法兰取压口

flanged ends,法兰连接端

flangeless ends,无法兰连接端

flangeless valve,无法兰阀


flaw echo,缺陷反射波

flaw resolution,缺陷分辨力

flaw sensitivity,缺陷灵敏度

flexible disk,软磁盘

flexible manufacturing system,柔性制造系统

flexible rotor,柔性转子

flexural critical speed,挠曲临界转速

flexural principl mode,挠曲主振型



float and cable level measuring device,浮标和缆索式液闰测量装置

float barograph,浮子气压计

float level measuring device,浮子液位测量装置

float level reguator,浮子型液位调节阀

float level transducer[sensor],浮子-干簧管液位传感器

float tide gauge,浮子式验潮仪

floating accelerometer,重力式测波仪

floating ball,浮置输入

floating output,浮置输出

floppy disk drive,软磁盘机

flow chart,流程图表

flow coefficient,流量系数

flow conditioner[straightener],流动调整器[整直器]

flow control,流量控制

flow corrector,流量修正器

flow diagram,流程图

flow elbow,流量弯管

flow measurement calibration device,流量测量校准装置

flow measuring device,流量测量装置

flow nozzle,流量喷嘴

flow profile,流动剖面

flow rate of mobile phase,流动相流速

flow sihnal,流量信号

flow stabilizer,流量稳定器

flow switch,流量开关

flow to close,流关

flow to open,流开 flow transducer[sensor],流量传感器



flow-rate range,流量范围


fluid damping galvanometer,液体阻尼振动子

fluidic f



fluorescence detector,荧光检测器

fluorescence effect,荧光效应

fluorescent image,荧光象

flurescent magic partcle,荧光磁粉

fluorescent magic particle inspection machine,荧光磁粉探伤机

fluorescent perant festing method,荧光渗透探伤法

fluorine plastic,氟塑料

fluorine rubber(viton),氟橡胶

fluorometer,荧光计 flush mounted(pressure)gauge,,嵌装压力表


flux constant,磁通常数

flux meter,磁通表

flux of radiation,辐射通量

fluxgate pass,磁通门罗盘

fluxgate magometer,磁通门磁力仪;磁通门磁强计


fluxmeter calibrator,磁通表校验仪

focal distance,焦距

focal plane,焦平面

focal point,焦点


focus size,焦点尺寸

focus-to-film distance,焦距


focusing type probe,聚焦探头


foil strain gauge,箔式应变计

folding chart[paper],折叠式记录纸

follow-up control,随动控制

follow-up pointer,从动针

food analyzer,食品分析仪


force-balance acceleration transducer,力平衡式加速度传感器

force-balance accelerometer,力平衡式加速度计

force convection,强近对流

force standard machine,力标准机

force transducer[sensor],力传感器

forced vibration,强迫振动;受迫振动

foregraound,前台 foreground processing,前台处理

foreground program,前台程序

form factor,波形因数

Fortin barometer,福丁气压表

forward channel,正向信道

Foundation Fieldbus(FF),基金会现场总线;FF总线

four-terminal standard resistor,四端(钮)标准电阻器

Fourier transform,傅里叶变换

Fouier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spertrometer (FT-ICR-MS), 傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱计

Fourier transform infrared spectrometry,傅立叶变换红外光谱法

Fourier transform spectrometer,傅里叶变换光谱仪

fracture toughness,断裂韧性

fragment ion,碎片离子


frqgmentation pattern,碎裂图型

frame,帧 framework,框架

free falling STD profilinge system,自返式温盐深剖面仪

free field,自由声场

free field correction curves,自由场修正曲线

free-field frequency response of microphone,传声器自由声场频率响应

free feild reciprocity calibration,自由声场互易校准

free-field sensitivity of microphone,传声器自由声场灵敏度

free induction decay signal;FID signal,自由感应衰减信号

free oscillating period,自由振动周期

free swing of pendulum,摆锤空击

free vehicle respirometer,活动式海底生物呼吸测量器

free vibration,自由振动

freezing heat,凝固热

freezing point,凝固点


frequency-amplitude characteristic,幅频特性

frequency analysis,频率分析

frequency analyzer,频率分析仪

frequency band,频带

frequency distrbution,频率分布

frequency division multiplexing,频分多路传输

frequency domain,频域

frequency domain analysis,频域分析

frequency domain method,频域法

frequency domain model reduction method,频域模型降价法

frequency index,频率指数

frequency measurement by parison with time scale,时标比较法测频

frequency measurement by digital meter,用数字频率计测频

frequency measurement by Lissajou's figure,用李沙育图形测频

frequency measurement by stroboscope,闪光测频

frequency measurement by vibrationg reed indicator,用舌簧频率计测频

frequency meter,频率表

frequency modulation(FM),频率周制,调频

frequency of the natural hydraulic mode,液压固有频率

frequency output,频率输出

frequency-phase characteristic,相频特性

frequency response,频率响应

frequency response characteristics,频率响应特性(图)

frequency reponse locus,频率响应轨迹图

frequency response of microphone,传声器频率响应

frequency response range,频率响应范围

frequency resonse tracer,频率响应显示仪

frequency shift keying(FSK),频移键控

frequency shift magometer,频移磁强计

frequency sounding instrument,频率测深仪

frequency spectra induced polarization instrument,频谱激电仪

frequency stabilization,频率稳定

frequency sweeping,频率扫描

frequency-temperature coefficient,频率-温度系数

Fresnal diffraction string,费涅尔衍射条纹

friction bezel ring,压紧盖环

friction error,轻敲位移

friction velocity,磨擦速度

front end processor,前端处理机

frontal chromatography,迎头色谱法

frost point hygrometer,霜点湿度计(表)

full bridge measurement,全桥测量

full capacity trim,全容量阀内件

full-load test,满载试验

full scale flow-rate,满标度流量

full-screen editing,全屏莫编辑

full-screen processing(FSP),全屏幕处理

full-we logger,声波全波列测井仪

fully developed velocity distrbution,充分发展的速度分布

fully insulated current transormer,全绝缘电流互感器

fully rough trbulent flow,充分混杂紊流


function analysis,功能分析

function block,功能块

function key,功能键

function module,功能模块

function type optic-fibre temperature transducer,功能型光纤温度传感器

functional block,功能块

functional deposition,功能分解

functional insulation,功能绝缘

functional similarity,功能相似

functional simulation,功能仿真

fundamental frequency,基本频率

fundamental method of measurement,基础测量法

fundamental natural mode of vibration,基本固有振型

fundamental period,基本周期

fundamental we,基波

funnel-shaped mud viseter,漏斗式泥浆粘度计

furnace for reproduction of fixed points,定点炉

furnace for verification use,检定炉

fuzzy control,模糊控制

fuzzy controller,模糊控制器

fuzzy decision,模糊决策

fuzzy game,模糊对策

fuzzy information,模糊信息

fuzzy logic,模糊逻辑


德语热力学词汇表1. Hauptsatzfirst principle of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律Abhaengigkeit dependence 关联,相关性Ableitung (mathem.Operation) derivative 推导Absorption absorpt...

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小语种德语电子类专业词汇电源:Stromquelle 电路:Stromkreis 电流:elektrischer Strom 电压:spannung 导线:Leitung 电荷:elektrische Ladung 二极管:Diode 三极管:Triode 电容:Kapazitanz 电感:Induktanz 电阻...

小语种德语学科词汇表Abfallentsung垃圾清除学 Afrikanistik非洲语言文学 Agrarbiologie农业生物学 Agraroekologie农业生态学 Agraroekonomie农业经济学 Agrarwissenschaften农业科学 Aegyptolo...

电子类常用名词缩写AC(alternating current) 交流(电) A/D(analog to digital) 模拟/数字转换 ADC(analog to digital convertor) 模拟/数字转换器 ADM(adaptive delta modulation) 自适应增量调...

德语词汇电子类专业电源:Stromquelle 电路:Stromkreis 电流:elektrischer Strom 电压:spannung 导线:Leitung 电荷:elektrische Ladung 二极管:Diode 三极管:Triode 电容:Kapazitanz 电感:Induktanz 电阻...

·金融英语词汇表UNIT ONE division of labor 劳动分工 modity money 商品货币 legal tender 法定货币 fiat money 法定通货 a medium of exchange 交换媒介 legal sanction 法律制裁 face v...

推荐法语常用简写词汇表a.b.s. aux bons soins (c/o) A.C.F. Automobile-Club de France adj. adjectif adv. adverbe AFNOR Association franaise de normalisation all. ou allem. allemand amé...

中学英语的一些词汇表达形式1. 状语 1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以用非谓语动词的形式,也可以用状语从句的形式,一般的说,非谓语动词形式比状语从句形式正式。 Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up...
