

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关爱残疾人的高中英语作文]关爱残疾人Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as...+阅读

冲压课 Stamping Section

冲压区 Stamping Area

冲压现场办公区 Stamping Section Office

点焊区 Welding Area

拉钉区 Riveting Area

打磨区 Sanding Area

拉钉现场办公区 Riveting Section Office

废弃物存放区 Scrap Area

烤漆课 Coating Section

烤漆区 Coating Area

液体/粉体 Liquid/Powder

烤漆清洗线 Degreasing Process

烤漆前处理区 Coating Prep Area

超音波清洗区 Ultrasonic Cleaning Process

粉体烤漆线 Powder Coating Line

液体烤漆线 Liquid Painting Line

粉体涂装室 Powder Coating Spraying Room

液体涂装室 Liquid Painting Spraying Room

烤漆课现场办公区 Coating Section Office

集尘室 Dust Collector Room

吹尘室 Dust Blow Off Room

调漆室 Paint Mixing Room

打磨房 Sanding Room

煤气房 Natural Gas Control Room

预脱脂槽 Degreasing Area Stage 1

主脱脂槽 Degreasing Area Stage 2

皮膜槽 Metal Surface Phosphate Treating Area

清水槽 Rinsing Area

沉淀储水池 Waste Deposit

小心吊物 Warning: Hooks in Operation

小心碰头 Warning: Head Injury, Low Shelves

更衣间 Dressing Room

闲人免进Warning: Only Authorized Personnel

警告: 须着防静电衣后才可入内。 Warning: Antistatic Clothing is Required

贵宾衣柜/鞋柜 For Visitors Use Only

员工鞋柜 Employee Shoes Lockers

杂项物料区 Miscellaneous Items Storage

不合格品区 Non-Conforming Parts Area

废弃物存放区 Scrap Area

烤漆制具保养室 Masking Maintenance

烤漆卸制具制程 De-Masking Process

治具保养室 Fixture/Jig/Gauge Maintenance

组配课 Assembly Section

组配区 Assembly Area

上班入口 Entrance

下班出口 Exit

组配现场办公区 Assembly Section Office

包材作业区 Packaging Area

备料区 Material Staging Area

不合格品区 Non-conforming Parts Area

换鞋间Changing Room

为保持清洁,请您换鞋。 For cleanliness, please change your shoes.

组装线Assembly Line

负责人 Line Leader

前置加工线 Prep Line

散件大宗线 Accessory Part Assembly Line

会议室 Conference Room

洗手间 Rest Room

茶水间 Tea Room

电脑机房 MIS Server Room

复印室 Copy Room

教育训练室 Training Room

仓管课 Warehouse Management Section

品管部 QC Dept.

品管部资料室 document Control, QC Dept.

品管部样品室 QC Sample Room

塑料厂 Plastic Plant

塑料厂厂长室 Plastic Plant Manager

塑料厂经理室 Manager

塑料成型课 Molding Section

物料室 Raw Material Warehouse/Storage

碎料室 Crusher Room

模具存放区 Tooling Warehouse

成型课现场办公区 Molding Section Office

工具区 Accessorial Tools Storage

治具柜放置区 Fixture/Jig/Gauge Racks

设备维修区 Tooling Maintenance Area

柜式烤炉 Oven

不良品放置区 Non-Conforming Product Area

重工区 Rework Area

包材存放区 Packing Material Area

塑料喷漆印刷课 Plastic Decoration Section

周转包材放置区 Recycled Packaging Materials Rack

大宗包材放置区 Packaging Material Rack

待印刷产品放置区 Silkscreen/Pad Printing WIP Material

待喷漆产品放置区 WIP Material

"调漆房&治具房Paint Mixing Room & Fixture Shop

重点防火区 No Fire Area

喷漆房Painting Room

谢绝参观Authorized Personnel Only

浴尘室除尘 Dust Vacuum Room


1. Enter the room when light turns green.


2.Close door to start vacuum

3.除尘时间约为8秒,听到" 啪 "一声后开门走出

3.Vacuum time 8 seconds. Exit room at the sound of the "pop".

塑料厂设计课 Plastic Molding Design Section

塑料制模课 Tooling Fabrication Section

修模区 Tooling Repair Area

省模区 Polishing Area

制模区 Tooling Fabrication Area

EDM加工区 EDM Area

CNC加工区 CNC Area

检验区 Inspection Area

外发区 Shipping Area

模具厂/中心 Tooling Plant/Center

模具厂办公室 Tooling Center Office

五金模具厂 Sheet Metal Tooling Shop

五金加工设计课 Sheet Metal Tooling Design Section

五金模具维修区Sheet Metal Tooling Maintenance Area

五金模具制模区Sheet Metal Tooling Fabrication Area

线割房 Wire Cutting Shop

五金工具室 Tooling Parts Storage

CNC加工区 CNC Area

样品室 Sample Room

试模区 Stamping Try-Out Area

会议室 Conference Room

厂长室 Plant Manager

铁材仓 Sheet Metal Warehouse ——Raw Materials

冲件仓 Stamping Warehouse —— WIP

包材仓 Packaging Material Warehouse

塑料仓 Injection Molding Warehouse —— WIP

待验区 Holding Area

贵重物品仓 High value Materials Warehouse

特殊物料仓 Special Item Storage

塑料原料区 Plastic Warehouse - Raw Materials

不合格仓 Non-conforming Parts Area

烤漆件仓 Coating Parts Warehouse

成品仓 Finished Product Warehouse

小件仓 Small Parts Warehouse

收料窗口 Receiving Window

IQC 检验台 IQC Inspection Station

QA实验室 "Quality Assurance

QA量测室 QA Measurement Office

模具仓 Tooling Warehouse


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