

05月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于日常的英语情景对话2句]英语口语小对话a: greg thinks hes a really tough guy on the football field.b: so why is he crying like a baby after being tackled? hes not such a he-man after...+阅读

m 代表妈妈九句,c 代表孩子六句,f 代表父亲五句。讲的是代沟 m: tom , have you finished your homework ? don't watch tv too much , it's time to go to bed , c :mom, i want to do it tomorrow , the match is so exciting , do you want to have a look ? m : no , how can you do that ? turn off the tv quickly , f : sometimes, we should let him do something he like , he needs to relax himself , m : i know ! but do you know he got a b again ? c : mom , you can't ignore that there isn't anyone got a at all this time , i had tried my best to do it , f : dear, what we most should do is to teach him to study by himself and to tell him the importance of study , m : i know what do you mean , but saying these words is much easier than doing it , f : honey , take it easy , we need give enough love and respect to him , every adult once had a naughty childhood , hadn't we ? m : you are right !i would take it consideration , c : dad, thank you for your understanding , i love you so much ! m : but , tom , do you know you also should understand us at the same time ? c : mom, i know , oh , the match was over just now , what a pity ! f : you can see a lot of wonderful matches in future as if you finish your homework first ! c : really ? but you broke your promise last time , m : baby , as you know , you didn' t keep your promise first ! that' s the reason why you should understand us , c : eh , that is fine , i think i need to be more honest , m : your thought is very good ! it's time to go to bed , tomorrow is saturday , please keep your promise to finish your work , 然后小孩睡觉去了。

f : honey, i think we are successful this time , it turns out to be that we should try to believe in him , understand him rather than controlling him all the time ! m : i hope so ! maybe you are right ! 结束!


summer holiday is coming, any plans?

of course, i will visit japan.my friend says it's intersting

well. i think maybe egypt is more exciting.just think. you can sit on the camos. and visit the pyromides!

both of japan and egypt is wonderful.but i just want to stay in china. i will visit shanghai and beijing this summer. you know .shanghai is one of the most popular city in the world.and beijing has a long history.i can visit lujiazui.yu garden.the parks there are wonderful too. and the great wall. wangfujing street ,and the baken ducks in beijing. everything is fantastic!



1, I hear that you are having a tirp, Where are you going?

2.Well,l am going to China.

1.Really?That sounds great!And have yougot everything ready?

2.Of course!

1.When are you leaving?


1,Oh,Can you bring me some gifts?


1,How long are you staying?

2.About two weeks.

1,WOW!Have a good time.

2.Thank you very much


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