
Im missing you英文高手翻译下歌词

05月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Die Alte im Wald]Es fuhr einmal ein armes Dienstmdchen mit seiner Herrschaft durch einen groen Wald, und als sie mitten darin waren, kamen Ruber aus dem Dickicht hervor und ermo...+阅读

Ohh babe... Ohh babe...The nights are long, 漫漫长夜My days are cold Without the warmth you provide me when I hold没有你的温暖,我感觉好冷You in my arms feels so long ago 拥抱的温暖似乎是很久以前When you were there...想着你现在在哪里......(极品音乐典藏群)I think a teardrop just fell down..禁不住泪水就滑落I really wanna come to see you好想见到你I really really wish I could真的,好想好想Maybe in a couple weeks, It's only a couple weeks...两个星期后就能见面,只是两个星期...But even know I get to, It's 14 days I gotta get trough (it's too many days babe)我知道,就是等14天(可是,亲爱的,太长了)And I'm really really missing you..我真的真的很想你And I miss, miss, Miss..想你I'm missing you..我想你And I don't know..我不知道How I'm gonna make it trough..我该怎么熬过这几天But I gotta, gotta, stay strong for us two..不过,我要,继续等待I'm a man, It's a job that I gotta do我是个男人,这是我的工作,我总得要做好So I go outside and I fake a smile..所以,带着强装的微笑我走出门去But if they only knew, Just how many miles..我真的希望在我走过的几英里路上的人们他们都知道我的笑容是装出来的Were between love so true但是我们的爱情是真的I really couldn't cope the way that we do (that we do..)真的不能再违背自己的心And I'm really really missing you, You, you..我真的真的很想你Baby when you're near, All of my visions clear你在我身边的时候,爱得明明白白But like a magic show, I blink and than you disapear..但像一个魔术表演一样,一眨眼的功夫,你不见了,消失了And I frequently, Envision of it would be..我经常设想我能To have you alone with me..我能让你和我在一起Give me a moment so I can breathe ..给我一段时间,要让我能喘息一下Ok. I really wanna come to see you, Baby I wish I could ...(Wish I could..)我真的要来见你,我好想来Maybe in a couple weeks (It's only two weeks)大概就是两个星期It's only a couple weeks (But the problem is..)不就是两个星期(可是)Even though I get to.. It's 14 long days that I don't have you.. (It's too many days babe)即使我熬过,没有你的漫长的14天(亲爱的这的太多了)And I'm really really missing you..我真的真的好想你And I miss, miss, Miss..想你And I'm really really missing you..真的好想你And I don't know..我不太清楚How I'm gonna make it trough..我改怎么熬过去But I gotta, gotta, stay strong for us two..不过,我得,继续等待I'm a man, It's a job that I gotta do我是个男人,这是我的工作,我总得要做好So I go outside and I fake a smile..所以,我走出门去,带着努力装出来的微笑But if they only knew, Just how many miles..我真的希望在我走过的几英里路上的人们他们都知道我的笑容是装出来的Were between love so true但是我们的爱情是真的I really couldn't cope the way that we do (that we do..)我真的不能在用这种方式来应付生活了And I'm really really missing you, You, you..我真的真的很想你Cuz maybe one day babe 宝贝,也许那天Not too far away不在遥远了We can turn, all our dreams into memories. (gonna be like this forever right)我们能把梦想变成现实,然后装进美好的回忆里(永远像这样,好吗)Baby we'll have that home, Stars stares, all that we share..宝贝,我们会有一个家,我一起看星星,我们共同享受Too many nights, over the phone. I really wanna come to see you (uhuh)夜里,我们通过电话交谈,我真的想去看你Baby you know I do.. Maybe in a couple weeks (I'll try)宝贝你知道我会的,也学在两个星期后(我会的)It's only a couple weeks (Can't promiss..)只是两个星期But even know I get to, Still don't wanna be away from you..但即使知道,我知道不想离开你It's too many days babe, And I'm really really missing you太久了,我真的很想你And I miss, miss, Miss.. I miss you..想你,想你,And I don't know (I don't know) How I'm gonna make it trough..我不知道,我怎么才能熬过去But I gotta, gotta, Hold strong for us two (strong for us two)不过,我得,继续等待I'm a man, It's a job that I gotta do. So I go outside (I'll go outside)我是个男人,这是我的工作,我总得要做好And I fake a smile (I'll fake a smile)所以,我走出门去,带着努力装出来的微笑But if they only knew, Just how many miles..我真的希望在我走过的几英里路上的人们他们都知道我的笑容是装出来的Were between love so true, I really couldn't cope the way that we 但是我们的爱情是真的 ,我真的不能在用这种方式来应付生活了do.And I'm really really missing you...我真的真的很想你


SUMMER TIME GONE 作词 仓木麻衣 作曲 大野爱果 编曲 叶山刚 Summer time gone 我仍然喜欢着你 Summer time gone 虽然我深知这一点 但是从现在开始 永远也无法回到那个夏天了 Summer time gone 就这样一笑了之吧 Summer time gone 那种家伙 迟早有一天 会后悔莫及地对我说 yeah stay with me 请和我重新在一起 I'm so sure 我是如此肯定 you're my only one 你就是我的唯一 That's it Can you realize that, too? 你也能同样认识到这一点么? Come on Come back to me 来吧、回到我的身边 this love's mean to be 因为这份爱是注定的 看着惊悚电影的一个片段 仿佛连我的心都要被击穿了一般 毫不知觉地闯进了你那迷样的世界 oh yeah 虽然这么说 但是与你 在梦中度过的每一天 都感觉像是梦境一样ta-la-ta ·· 我需要你 为何到了夏天 大海会变得如此迷人 早就该把你忘记 可是为什么 Baby 心底却好想待在那里 Summer time gone 将头发浸湿的我 Summer time gone 紧紧的拥在怀里 使人愉悦的微风 吹拂着肌肤 love forever you Summer time gone 为什么会这样 Summer time gone 你的视线 已经不再我的身上了 你的心又转向了谁 喂 请留在我身边 Hey! Don't wanna let you go I never wanna let you know 嘿!我从未想要让你知道 我并不想让你离开 No! It's not just summer time blues 不!这并不只是夏日世界的悲伤情歌 'Cause this love's mean to be yeah 因为与你的这份爱是上天注定的 做了与你一样的梦 虽然哭过笑过 对于你那意味深长的态度 我有着误解 Why are you doing that to me? 为什么你要对我做那样的事情呢? 尽管如此 在我的心里 还是想成为你的特别的人 在蔷薇色的日子里 心里想着最多的全是无聊的事 什么时候 你会把我忘记的吧··· 但是我却难以忘记···这样想着心里就好悲伤 Summer time gone 我仍然喜欢着你 Summer time gone 虽然我深知这一点 但是从现在开始 永远也无法回到那个夏天了 Summer time gone 就这样一笑了之吧 Summer time gone 那种家伙 迟早 有一天 一定会后悔 Yeah Summer time gone 难道这只是一场夏天的梦? Summer time gone 我知道啊 Don't wanna let you go 我不想让你离开 'Cause you're my destiny baby you & me 因为你就是我的命运 Summer time gone Stay with me.


Dear Xiuying,亲爱的秋英,Monday night. December 27, 8:00 my time, 10:00 your time. I just call you and I am very happy to hear your voice. I think you are very shy but you need not be. It is just me on the telephone and I don't speak Chinese Language so we have hard time understanding each other but we we learn and in the meantime, you have very nice voice and laugh and I understand that perfectly and I very much enjoy talking with you. Please accept my apology for talking so much and not listening; I will work on that!!!十二月27日星期一晚上,我这边的时间为8点,而你那边的时间为10点,我当电话给你,能听到你的声音我好高兴。 我感觉你有些害羞,其实没必要害羞的。我只是在电话里。我没有说中文,所以彼此间的交流有些困难但是同时我们是在学习。你的声音很好听,你笑着,我完全明白你的笑,我也非常享受与你的交流。

请接受我的道歉:我讲的太多,没有倾听你讲。我会努力改正。I have a day off today but will go back to work tomorrow. Today was very busy day!! Very busy! I wake up and feed the CAT and scratch his ears and tell him he is the best CAT I know because he expects to hear that every day. Silly CAT. Then I start fire upstairs, (downstairs has hot water heat), and make breakfast for me and the CAT. 我今天休息,但是明天我要回到工作中。今天真是一个繁忙的一天。忙疯了。我早上醒来喂我的猫咪,抓抓它的耳朵,告诉他他是我认识的最棒的猫因为这是他每天所期待听到的。多么蠢蠢的猫咪。然后,我在楼上就开了小灶(楼下烧了开水)为我的猫咪和我做早饭。Then I spend one hour practicing scales on piano and then rest of morning fixing door for downstairs bathroom and keeping books. Already it is noon! afternoon I write architect regarding layout of house that I will build this summer. 然后我花费了一个小时练习钢琴的音阶,早上剩下的时间我就修理楼下卫生间的门以及整理书籍。

这样就到了中午。在下午,我写信给工程师关于我房间的布置,我这个夏天将开始打造新的房间布置。I am builder but the owner hires his own architect so the two of us need to work together. Also, I have two visitors that have come for the holidays and they are going snowmobiling and one of their snowmobiles broke down so I spend 90 minutes helping them to fix. 我自己就是建筑师,也是房子的主人。我自己雇建筑师,所以我们两个要相互合作。此外,我下午还有两个访客来这度假,他们来这推雪地车玩,其中一个的雪地车坏了所以我花了一个半小时帮他们休息雪地车。And then the local county government has a petition I need to respond to regarding a local business that has applied for a permit to do horseback rides and they want to know my opinion since I am a neighbouring property owner. And then I watch the sun go down and fix dinner for me and Bill, ( the CAT), and relax and call my friend in Arizona and then I call you and it is 8:00!!!!!!!! and I wonder where the time goes. 然后是我需要回应当地县政府的一个请愿:他们想要知道自从我成为业主以来的感受。

接下来,我看看太阳,下楼为Bill我的猫咪和我做晚饭,然后放松了一下,打电话给我亚利桑那的朋友,然后我就打电话给你了。也就是八点。我就在想时间怎么过的这么快啊!!!!Whew! Wears me out!哎呀,可累坏我了!!!手工翻译!!!


Waking up I see that everything is ok 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演 The first time in my life and now it's so great 我的生活从未如此美好呈现 Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed 放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳 I think about the little things that make life great 那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见 I wouldn't change a thing about it 我不会让它改变 This is the best feeling 这感觉毫无缺陷 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don't go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 I found a place so safe, not a single tear 这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼 The first time in my life and now it's so clear 我的生活从未如此清晰呈现 Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here 不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园 It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere 强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔 I wouldn't change a thing about it 我不会让它改变 This is the best feeling 这感觉毫无缺陷 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don't go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming 命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻 It's the happiness inside that you're feeling 而你真切感到幸福的浸染 It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming 命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻 It's the happiness inside that you're feeling 而你真切感到幸福的浸染 It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry 如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此灿烂 it makes you want to cry 令你不禁泪眼潸然 This innocence is brilliance, 这份纯真 如此珍贵 please don't go away 请不要消退 Cause I need you now 因为现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走 This innocence is brilliant, 这份纯真 如此迷人 I hope that it will stay 我希望它留存 This moment is perfect, 完美的一瞬 please don't go away, 请就此停顿 I need you now 现在是我需要你的时候 And I'll hold on to it, 我会深深留住这感受 don't you let it pass you by 别让它从你身边溜走


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