

05月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[法律专项单选题]1.我国行政处罚包括警告、罚款、没收财物、( )、暂扣或吊销许可证和执照、行政拘留等。A.责令赔偿 B.责令悔过 C.责令停产停业 D.限期改正2.死刑只适用于( )犯罪分子A.罪...+阅读

答案附在最后 1.His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone ______ family was poor. A.of whom B.whom C.of whose D.whose(89) 2.She heard a terrible noise, _______ brought her heart into her mouth. A.it B.which C.this D.that(91) 3.In the dark street , there wasn't a single person _____ she could turn for help. A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom(92) 4.The weather turned out to be very good , ____ was more than we could expect. A.what B.which C.that D.it(92) 5.After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child. A.which B.where C.that D.when(96) 6.Carol said the work would be done by October._____personally I doubt very much. A. it B.that C.when D.which(99) 7.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy. A.who B.which C.this D.what (2000) 8.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable. A.which price C.the price of which C.its price D.the price of whose 9._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules. A.As B.It C.That D.Which 10.He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English. A.this B.which C.that D.same 11.Oh the wall hung a picture, _____ color is blue. A.whose B.of which C.which D.its 12.Whenever I met him , ____ was fairly often, I like his sweet and hopeful smile. A.what B.which C.that D.when 13.The visitor asked the guide to take his picture _____ stands the famous tower. A.that B.where C.which D.there 14.The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women. A.in which B.in that C.in whose D.whose 15.I don't like _____ you speak to her. A.the way B.the way in that C.the way which D.the way of which 16.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._______ I got wet through . A.It's the reason B.That's why C.There's why D.It's how 17.He made another wonderful discovery , ____ of great importance to science. A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think which is 18.He was very rude to the customs officer, ____ of course made things even worse. A.who B.whom C.what D.whcih KEYS: 1-5 DBDBB 6-10 DBCAB 11-15 ABBCA 16-18 BAD



但是,只要在老师的帮助下,认识到学英语的必要性,用正确的态度对待英语学习,用科学的方法指导学习。开始时多参加一些英语方面的活动,比如 ,唱英文歌、做英语游戏、读英语幽默短文、练习口头对话等。时间长了,懂得多了,就有了兴趣,当然,学习起来就有了动力和欲望。然后,就要像农民一样勤勤恳恳,不辞辛苦,付出辛勤的劳动和汗水,一定会取得成功,收获丰硕的成果。毕竟是No pains, no gains吗。另外要多做试卷,上学吧在线考试中心 的试卷蛮不错的,每天都有更新,还会推荐出最好的最新的试卷,做题时,一目了然。


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