
一单选题共 20道试题共 60分

01月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[帮忙做两题德语试题]I 主动变被动 1 Der Regen reinigt den Wald.(雨把森林冲洗干净了) Der Wald wurde vom Regen gereinigt. 2 Der Krieg zerstörte die Kleine Stadt.(战争摧毁了这个小镇) Die...+阅读

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) 1. "Your _D__ at the meeting will be a great support to our cause,"says the cable. A. absent B. absence C. present D. presence 满分:3 分 2. When the sound of a gunshot _C__ nearby, the crowd ran for safety. A. crack B. cracker C. cracked D. cracking 满分:3 分 3. The child ran along, trying to _D__the adults. A. set the pace B. pace up C. pace D. keep pace with 满分:3 分 4. The child stumbled _B__ a stone and fell. A. across B. over C. on D. upon 满分:3 分 5. The speaker wander _B__off the point. A. off B. away C. in D. along 满分:3 分 6. They always __D_ their parents when they have trouble. A. lean towards B. lean to C. lean D. lean on 满分:3 分 7. Now all we can do is to help ourselves and _A__ to God. A. pray B. prayer C. prey D. preyer 满分:3 分 8. Many young girls like to __C_ a diary for recording their private thoughts and feelings. A. write B. take C. keep D. bring 满分:3 分 9. It is about time we _A__ his errors to him. A. pointed out B. pointed at C. pointd forwards D. came to the point 满分:3 分 10. Parents can not be __D_ about their children's future. A. concern B. concerned C. unconcern D. uncerned 满分:3 分 11. The house is in the __B_ of being built. A. procedure B. process C. proceed D. procession 满分:3 分 12. For my own part ,everything is O.K. I have nothing to __A_ of A. complain B. complaining C. complaint D. complained 满分:3 分 13. Last night's fire was the worst __B_ that has ever hit the frontier town. A. disease B. disaster C. danger D. dangerous 满分:3 分 14. An employee's __B_ to report to work on time ,if habitual, may lead to his or her dismissal. A. fail B. failure C. fall D. falling 满分:3 分 15. The doctor _A__what to do with the case because he couldn't detect the cause of the illness. A. was puzzled B. was puzzling C. was puzzle D. was puzzlingly 满分:3 分 16. He committed an _D__against the law. A. offend B. offender C. offensive D. offence 满分:3 分 17. A __A_ of travellers are expected to arrive soon. A. company B. business C. firm D. fellowship 满分:3 分 18. It took him three days to _A__upon our proposal before he gave us the answer. A. reflect B. return C. resume D. respond 满分:3 分 19. Having practiced for so long ,the New York baseball team D___of the winning the World Series this year. A. make a chance B. gets a chance C. brings a chance D. stands a chance 满分:3 分 20. Every day, on the lawn in front of the county court, we hoisted the national flag at daybreak and __A_it at sunset. A. lowered B. low C. lowed D. lower 满分:3 分


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