

05月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语怎么做啊]一.用动词的适当形式填空. 1. to learn 2. leaving 3. to go 4. cooking 二.同义句转换. 1. what's the weahter in wuhan? 2. I plan to be a teacher when I grow up 3. P...+阅读

1.how is the weather like today?

2.it is hot today,isn't it?

3.how do you go to school?

4.when do you go to school?

5.what date is it today ?what date is it today

6.what class do you like best ?

7.what is she doing ?

8.what is he doing ?

9.what is she doing ?

10.what is it doing ?

11.what day is it today?

12.what date is it tomorrow?

13.what do you often do on weekend ?

14.what are you going to do this weekend ?

15.when do you do an experiment?

16.hou do you go to the supermarket ?

17.how often do you go to school by school bus?

18.where are you going ?

19.who are you going to the SongShanlake with?

20.when are you going to the Foling lake?

21.how is the weather like today?

22.are you doing your homework now?

23.is she going to school by bus ?

24.is john going to the park this weekend?

25.can you play chess?

26.do you often go to the hospital by car?

27.do you like computer class?



1.Kate has got a headache。(改为同义句)

There is___a__ __headache___ _on____Kate's head

2.What's wrong with you?(同上)

What's __the___ _matter____ with you?

3.You'd better stay in bed.(改为否定句)

You __wouldn't___ __be___ __better___stay in bed.

4.I feel very well today.(同上)

I __don't___ _feel____ very well today.

5.I'm not feeling very well.(改为同义句)

I am _feel____ _bad____.

6.They are (at the doctor's.) (就括号部分提问)

__where___ __are___ __they____?

7.These shoes cost (thirty yuan) two years ago. (同上)

__how___ __much___ _are____those shoes __cost___ two years ago?

8.LI Mei cut her finger (because she played with a knife) (同上)

__why___ __did___ Li Mei __cut___ her finger?

9.I've been like this (for three days.) (同上)

__how___ _many____ __year___you been like this?

10. I've (got a bad cold.) (同上)

___what's__ ___wrong__ _with____you?


1. Helen always __studies_____ ( study) hard in the evening. 2. Where ___were____( be ) you last night? 3. I _will__listen____( listen ) to the weather forecast tomorrow morning. 4. The wind __blew_____( blow ) hard yesterday. It__was____ (be ) cold. 5. __Don't_play______(not, play) the piano now. Grandpa __is__sleeping____( sleep). ( B )1. I'm always busy ____weekdays. A. at B. on C. in ( A )2. The boy was naughty ____young age. A. at B. on C. in ( B )3. Bob wants to be a manager when he grows ______. A. into B. up C. big ( A )4. The little girl grew _____ a beautiful lady. A. into B. up C. to ( B )5. It's _____ rainy tomorrow morning. A. will B. going to C. to be 1.There was a child in my family.(划线部分提问) 2.Mum went to work at 6:45 yesterday. (划线部分提问) 3.Did he make the bed last night?(肯定句) He made the bed last night. 4.We cleaned our classroom yesterday. (划线部分提问) 5.Tom had a wonderful time last week.

(一般疑问句并否定回答) Did Tom have awonderful time last week? No, he didn't. 6. She wrote a letter to me last year. (划线部分提问) 7.I was short ten years age.

(一般疑问句) 楼主你好,划线部分提问的请将具体内容写出来,不然无法解答,请追问,谢谢~~


理论上说的话 AD都可以 因为see后面可以接动词原形和动词ING形式,但是这道题我个人觉得还是选A好一点。原因:see接动词原形的时候,强调的是整个事件发生的前后经过,一般是较长的事情,强调看见了其发生的经过。而接ING的时候,则强调的是事件发生的动作,一瞬间的动作。 可以试比较下面两句话:i saw the thief steal the car. i saw the thief stealing the car. 如果按照第一句的说话,就是说偷车的整个过程都被陈述者看到,这个贼偷窃成功,而按照第二种说法,是陈述者看到了这个贼在偷车,只看到了这个动作而已,并没看见整个经过,偷没偷到手,陈述者并不知道。 希望这么说你可以理解,有问题欢迎随时继续追问!!希望对你有帮助!


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