[如何解释宝宝坐着学习效果好]宝宝坐着学习效果好报道称,一项新研究证实,让宝宝坐着学习,无论是凭借自己的力量坐立,或者靠其他人扶持,都可以显著提高学习表现。巴基斯坦通讯社(Pakistan News Service)来自...+阅读
Access point: An access point is the connection that ties wireless munication devices into a work. Also known as a base station, the access point is usually connected to a wired work. Most Wi-Fi works he a range of up to 150 feet but the access point range can be extended through the use of repeaters, which can amplify the work's radio signal.
Bluejacking: Bluejacking is a practice of sending anonymous text messages to mobile users using Bluetooth. Phones that are Bluetooth-enabled can be tweaked to search for other handsets using it that will accept messages sent to them. However, a user can oid these messages by setting their device to "invisible" or turn off Bluetooth when not using it. Bluetooth is a protocol that allows devices such as mobile phones and laptops to send data to other devices, without wires, over distances of about 30 feet.
Bluesnarfing: A security flaw in Bluetooth that could allow an attacker to access and copy information stored on a mobile phone without the user's knowledge has been dubbed "bluesnarfing." Any information stored on a phone -- like contact lists or e-mail and text messages -- are at risk in a bluesnarfing attack.
Hot spot: A hot spot is another name for a Wi-Fi access point or an area where there is an open wireless work. Typically, a hot spot has free wireless Inter access but it also applies to areas with paid access, such as coffee shops or airports.
MAC Address: A MAC address, short for Media Access Control address, is a unique code assigned to most forms of working hardware. The address is permanently assigned to the hardware, so limiting a wireless work's access to hardware -- such as wireless cards -- is a security feature employed by closed wireless works. But an experienced hacker -- armed with the proper tools -- can still figure out an authorized MAC address, masquerade as a legitimate address and access a closed work.
SSID: SSID is an acronym for Service Set Identifier. The SSID is
a sequence of up to 32 letters or numbers that is the ID, or name, of a wireless local area work. The SSID is set by a work administrator and for open wireless works, the SSID is broadcast to all wireless devices within range of the work access point. A closed wireless work does not broadcast the SSID, requiring users to know the SSID to access the work. Most wireless base stations e with a default SSID that is easily found on the Inter and security experts remend changing the default SSID to protect your work.
Stumbler: A software program that looks for wireless works and determines whether the work is open or closed. A well-known example is Stumbler.
Wardriving: Wardriving is the term for finding and marking the locations and status of wireless works. Wardrivers typically use software to determine whether the work is open or closed and a Global Position System device to record the location. A wardriver marks the spot either by using a symbol written in chalk on a building near the spot -- known as warchalking -- or mapping the locations and posting it on the Inter.
Warchalking: Warchalking is the name given to the practice of drawing symbols in public places to alert others to the location of a Wi-Fi wireless work. The symbols, typically drawn in chalk on a building, indicate whether the work is open, closed or whether it uses encryption.
WEP: WEP is short for Wired Equivalency Privacy and it is a security protocol for Wi-Fi works. Many base stations he WEP turned off by default but users can change that setting. WEP, however, has known flaws that skilled hackers can exploit.
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is short for "Wireless Fidelity" and is a set of standards for wireless local area works based on the specifications known as 802.11. It was originally developed for use by wireless devices and local works but it is now used for Inter access as well. If you access the Inter wirelessly from your puter or personal digital assistant, chances are you are using a flor of Wi-Fi.
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