

05月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[机械专业词汇3]rdwabk. (= Redewendung)习语,成语,惯用语ueberschiessenvi. (煮开时)溢出;ueberschiessend 过剩的,超额的Tantalkarbid[das] 碳化钽Karbid[das] 碳化物;Tantalkarbid 碳化钽...+阅读

The machining process of product design is to ensure product quality, energy saving, consumption reduction. This research is the design process procedures mast. Based on the analysis and understanding of the workpiece structure form, clear the specific requirements, and on the surface of each component to choose the appropriate processing methods. Then shall the reasonable technological procedures, fully embodies the quality, productivity and efficiency. The main component is mast transmission components, precision, good transmission efficiency, can effective utilization of energy, improve the production efficiency.

This topic in the process of design, manufacturing, research, absorbs the domestic and foreign advanced technology, reasonable design, in specific design.


磨筒mill container 齿轮传动 gear drive 模数modulus 行星轮系(planetary gear trains 立式球磨机Vertical Ball Mill torque转矩 一致性consistency teeth number 齿数 两倍关系two-fold revolution and rotation 公转、自转 electromotor电动机 带传动 belt drive 底座pedestal bolts螺钉 To obtain the running consistency of the four mill containers, gear drive is used. Four small identical-sized gears distribute evenly around a big gear and the modulus of all the gears are same, but the teeth numbers of the big gear are two-fold that of the small gears, and they configure together into a planetary gear train carrying out the revolution and rotation demand. For it's a vertical ball mill whose electromotor also needs vertical structure, its electromotor is fixed on its shell, and the electromotor transfers the torque to planetary gear train through belt drive,then drives the mill container rotation through the planetary gear train. Additionally, the shell is fixed on its pedestal with bolts, when the machine is running, the working part is covered with a mantle.


楼上的翻译得可以不过个别有错,列出如下:1.Process Water and Waste Piping工业污水排放管道系统注:工艺用水及其废水管道2.Humidity Control Equipment适度控制设备注:湿度调节设备3.Breechings, Chimneys, and Stacks 烟道管,烟囱和堆栈注:烟囱、分叉管和炉身4.HVAC Instrumentation and Controls高压(空调)仪表和控制设备注:HVAC指的是:Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Equipment供热通风与空气调节设备5.Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing 检测,调整和均衡系统 注:测试、调整和平衡校正以下为本人的翻译Mechanical机械的Mechanical Hangers and Supports 机械 吊支架Mechanical Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control机械 声音、震动和地震控制Mechanical Identification机械 鉴别Mechanical Insulation机械 绝缘Building Services Piping建筑管道系统和配件Pipes and Tubes管道Valves阀门Piping Specialties特殊管道Pumps泵Domestic Water Piping生活用水管路Deionized Water Systems去离子水系统Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping生活废水及其排泄管路Storm Drainage Piping雨水排泄管路Heating and Cooling Piping加热及制冷管路Process Air and Gas Piping工艺空气及工艺废气管路Process Water and Waste Piping工艺用水及废水管路Fire Protection Piping消防管路Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment厕、浴间设备及管路Plumbing Fixtures厕、浴间设备Plumbing Pumps污水泵Potable Water Storage Tanks饮用水存储罐Domestic Water Conditioning Equipment生活用水温度调节设备Domestic Water Filtrating Equipment生活用水过滤设备Domestic Water Heaters生活用水加热器Furnaces炉Fuel-Fired Heaters燃料加热器Breechings, Chimneys, and Stacks烟囱、分叉管和炉身Refrigeration Equipment制冷设备Refrigeration Compressors制冷压缩机Refrigerant Monitoring Systems制冷监控系统Refrigerant Condensing Units制冷冷凝机组Packaged Water Chillers集成冷水机Liquid Coolers and Evaporative Condensers液体冷却器和蒸发冷凝器Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Equipment供热通风与空气调节设备Heat Exchangers换热器Air Handling Units空气调节单元Heat Pumps热泵Humidity Control Equipment湿度控制设备Terminal Heating and Cooling Units终端加热及制冷单元Ducts (Sheet Metal)管道(铁皮围成)Fans风扇Air Outlets and Inlets空气进出口HVAC Instrumentation and Controls HVAC控制装置Pneumatic and Electric Controls气动和电动控制Building Systems Controls建筑系统控制Direct Digital Controls直接数字控制 Sequence of Operation操作程序Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing测试、调整和平衡校正


Product name LF furnace production date, castfusion welding 80t glen rules

Each item skill art refers to the standard of check and inspection

Serial number inspection items standards

Try and test

Conductive wishbone

Water-cooling copper pipe, etc

Water-cooling cable

1 appearance, assembly size according to Q/HTY - 002-94"

The first paragraph 1

2 the insulation resistance Ω (M) in AC500V

P Ω 1-m

3 3500V minute against electricity intensity

Breakdown and fly arc

4 collet tight force (KN)

5 when improved obviously.compared Mpa pressure seal

No leakage

6 the arc surface electrode

Better than 0.20 mm

7 safety requirements according to Q/HTY - 002-94

The first paragraph 4.3"

Add: use environmental conditions

1 transformer capacity: 2 electrode diameter:

3 hydraulic: 0.25-0.4 Mpa, 4: industrial water quality.

Screening examination (signature) technical operation (signature), screening examination


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