

05月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[讨价还价的外贸词汇]重点词汇:1. soar: 高涨2. quotation: 报价3. point out: 指出4. to be frank with: 坦白说下面我们来看看这几个词汇是怎么用在这个情景对话中的:A: I've e about your...+阅读

Functional Words on Bargaining

For Sellers:

1. Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

2. This model's less expensive than that one. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one.

3. How do you like these vases?

4. You'll find our goods (are) the best among others.

5. It comes to two hundred and fifty yuan.

6. Just 10 yuan each. A steal!

7. Could you go up a little?

8. You drive a hard bargain, 20 yuan, and that's my final offer.


For Buyers:

1. How much is it? / How much does it cost? / What is the price?

2. I want to find a CD.

3. Look, there's something wrong with it.

4. Give me a discount. / Is there any discount?

5. Wow, too / pretty expensive. Could you go down a little?

6. Don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth.

7. Give me the real price, boss.

8. I'll give you half that price.





讨价还价的英文音标:[ tǎojiàhuánjia ] 英文翻译手机版bargain with sb. for a supply of sth.; chaffer with a tradesman about prices; dicker with sb. about sth.; dispute about the terms of a bargain; drive a hard bargain; haggle with sb. over the price of sth.; higgling; huckster over例句与用法1. Do you shop around a lot for bargains ?你是不是逛许多商店来讨价还价?2. I will bargain no more, i withdraw .现在我不再讨价还价了,我自愿放弃。...


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