

04月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


More than 5,000 million people were affected by disaster influence; More than 2000 million people are no water to drink of despair, 400 million hectares fertile fields particles without charge.

In our campus: the bathroom faucet ever-flowing not cease; Teeth and wash face wash dishes serious waste water etc. Phenomenon.

Here to urge everyone: water saving, reasonable use every drop.


The Chinese seal ---- waves Beijing The conference symbol designs the Chinese seal, named "theChinese seal ----- waves Beijing". It Chinese artistic form and themovement characteristic and so on tradition seal and calligraphy willunify, ingeniously will turn into to run to front, to wave is greetingthe victory the movement human form. Like a dance, launches the doublearm to the world. India is red, is one of colors which the Chinesepeople most likes, it manifested our Chinese nation's enthusiasm, alsomanifested holds the Olympic Games in Beijing is one kind ofjubilation matter, even more manifested 2008 the Beijing Olympic Gamesto be able to bring the good luck to China. Writes in India's underhas "Beijing 2,008" it to remind the people 2,008 Beijing's luckyyear. "Waves Beijing" causes me to think this session of Olympic Gamescan be are full of the energy the Olympic Games. Let us refuel for Olympic Games....


abstract:The appearance of Internet is not only another great progress of technology, but also a social change. It plays more and more important role in people's daily life such as working, studying, life style and amusements, because that it is open and interactive. Meanwhile, the internet is also a rapier, at the same time it brings lots of convinience in people's daily life, it also brings some problems. As the data goes, there are around 11.4 million people have some kinds of psycological problem among 200 million netizens, which takes around 6% of all,and the number of junveniles who have problems is growing by year, it has draw the public attention yet. This essay intends to give some suggestions towards internet addiction base on some analysis and the researches we've already have in academia. Key words: internet addiction, arguments, withdrawal


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