
Training New Colleagues 培训新手

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Getting along with the Colleagues 与同事相处]Key Sentences(重点句子)886.How are you going to spend your weekend?你打算怎么过周末呢?887.I'll just play it by ear.我还没有考虑呢。888.Would you like to play t...+阅读

Key Sentences (重点句子)

623.Let me tell you the office rules first.


624. It's very important for me to know about them.


625.I'll do my duty.


626.To be a good secretary, you'll he to be quite familiar with office routine.


627. I'd like to explain the filing system to you.


628. All the documents must be filed alphabetically.


629.The confidential files are kept in it.


630.Our boss makes a point of keeping everything in order.


631. I've run out of typewriter paper.


632.Where are the envelopes and stationery then?


633.Let's take an inventory of the supply closet.


634.Will you please count them while I make a note?


635.There are twenty boxes of letter-head paper.


636.All our supplies can last quite some time except staplers.


637. How do you feel about using this new system?


638.I just need to clarify a few things.


639.I'm not very sure how to import a document or how to overlay a picture onto a text?


640.I've got the system running, but I can't open my file


641.Let me see if I can get it to work.


642.I can't get this graphics program to run?


643.You are using the wrong mand.


644.This is the first time I've used this program.


645. It takes a while to get used to it.


646.Once you know the mands, it's pretty smooth sailing.


647. Now that you know the basics, let me show you some more advanced functions.


Dialogue A

(Miss Li, who has just been promoted the personal secretary to her manager Mr. Baker, is elling Miss Wang, a fresh hand, who is going to take over her as a secretary in the office, what to do to be a qualified secretary. )

(L: Miss Li; W: Miss Wang)

L: Miss Wang, you are going to take over my job as secretary here from next Monday on. Now let me tell you the office rules first.

W: Thank you. It's very important for me to know about them.

L: The working hours are from eight to twelve in the morning and from one to five in the afternoon. Be sure not to be late or absent.

W: I'll do my duty.

L: To be a good secretary, you'll he to be quite familiar with office routine and try to learn to do a bit of everything.

W: Yes, I'll try my best.

L: e here please, Miss Wang. I'd like to explain the filing system to you.

W: All right.

L: This is your filing cabi and all the documents must be filed alphabetically.

W: Yes, I understand.

L: And this is a safe. The confidential files are kept in it. You'll he the key to it. Please keep in mind that you must be very careful with it.

W: Yes, I'll.

L: And one more thing, our boss makes a point of keeping everything in order. So you'd better be careful about this and don't throw things about. Otherwise, he'll be mad at you.

W: OK. I'll bear that in mind. Thanks a lot for what you he told me.

Dialogue B

W: Miss Li, I've run out of typewriter paper. Where are the office supplies?

L: Let me show you where they are. e on. They are all in this closet. The typewriter paper is in these boxes. The carbon paper is on the top shelf and the paper clips and tape are on the bottom.

W: Where are the envelopes and stationery then?

L: They are on the middle shelf.

W: What's in those boxes?

L: Those are staples.

W: Thank you. I think I now where everything is.

L: e on, Miss Wang. Let's take an inventory of the supply closet.

W: All right. Where shall we start?

L: Will you please count them while I make a note?

W: Fine.

L: How much paper is there?

W: Let me see. There are twenty boxes of letter-head paper.

L: Is there much carbon paper?

W: Yes. There are twenty-four boxes.

L: How many memo pads are there?

W: There are five hundred.

L: And staplers?

W: Only one left. Now it's clear. All our supplies can last quite some time except staplers.

L: I'll send for some tomorrow.

Dialogue C

W: How does it work?

L: It's easy. I'll show you. First, put the letter in here. Like this, OK?

W: Uh-uh.

L: Next, press this button, the button with “TEL”。

W: For telephone.

L: Then type in the fax number. What is it?

W: 0235-45679

L: Then, wait for the message “on line”here. And that's it. Got it?

W: Yes, I think so. Can I try now?

L: Of course… Well, this is your last day of training, Miss Wang. How do you feel about using this new system?

W: I feel pretty fortable with it. I just need to clarify a few things.

L: Sure, what do you need to know?

W: Well, I'm not very sure how to import a document or how to overlay a picture onto a text.

L: Never mind, I'll show you.

(A few hours later)

W: Miss Li, can you give me a hand?

L: Sure, what's wrong?

W: Well, I've got the system running, but I can't open my file.

L: Let me see if I can get it to work.

(A few minutes later)

W: I can't get this graphics program to run. Miss Li, can you take a look?

L: Sure. Oh, you are using the wrong mand. Here, let me show you.

W: Thanks a lot. This is the first time I've used this program.

L: No problem. It takes a while to get used to it… Good work, Miss Wang. It usually takes people a lot longer to get a grip on this.

W: Well, I've had some practice with this package. Once the mands are known, it's pretty smooth sailing.

L: That's true. Now that you know the basics, let me show you some more advanced functions.

W: Great! I really appreciate your help.

Notes 注释

1.take over 接管,替换

如: The new chancellor took over yesterday.


2.be sure to (not to) do…


如: Be sure to write and give me all the news.


3.be familiar with/ to

对(为)……熟悉 with 常接事物(sth. )而介词 to的后面则要求接某人(sb. )。

如:I am not very familiar with German.


German is not very familiar to me.


4.keep in mind=bear in mind 记住

如:Keep in mind what I said.


5.be careful with 对……注意或小心

如:Be more careful with your work.


6.make a point of doing sth.


如:He made a point of helping others.


7.be mad at 对……发火;生气

如:She was mad at him for fetting her birthday.


8.run out of 用完,耗尽(贮藏或供应用品等)

如:We're fast running out of coal.


9.e on. (口语)来吧或到这来。

10. office supplies 办公用品(如: typewriter 打字机 carbon paper复写纸 stapler 订书机 memo pad备忘录等)

11.letter-head paper 印有公司名称和地址等文字的信纸

Words and Expressions

routine /ru: 'ti: n/ n. 日常工作;例行公事

document/'d&kjum+nt/ n. 文件

confidential file 机密档案

closet /'kl&zit/ n. 柜子

envelope /'env+l+up/ n. 信封

clip /klip/ n. 纸夹;金属夹

stapler/'steipl+/ n. 订书机

inventory/'inv+nt+ri/ n. (清点)存货

carbon/'ka: b+n/ n. 复写纸


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