
Getting along with the Colleagues 与同事相处

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


Key Sentences(重点句子)

886.How are you going to spend your weekend?


887.I'll just play it by ear.


888.Would you like to play tennis with me before going home?


889. That was a pretty good shot.


890. I think that with a little help you can be a good player.


891.Maybe I can learn to do something.


892.All you need is a little help and a lot of practice.


893.Do you really think I can be a good player?


894. Margaret, are you enjoying yourself?


895. I'm hing a marvelous time.


896. No matter how I tried to change the subject, he carried on.


897. Just don't take him too seriously and you'll be all right.


898. Can I he this dance, please?


899.I don't care.


900. I think she's a born secretary.


Dialogue A

(Miss Karen, the Personal Assistant to the General Manager; Miss Margaret, a junior secretary in the General Manager's office)

(A: Miss Karen; B: Miss Margaret)

A: What a week!

B: Really! I've never seen so much work.

A: Right. How are you going to spend your weekend?

B: I don't know. I'll just play it by ear.

A: Would you like to play tennis with me before going home?

B: I'm not good at sports. I he never played tennis, and I know I would be terrible.

A: You should try it. It s a great game. e on, let me help you. I'm a good player, and a good teacher, too. What do you say?

B: OK, but don't say I didn't warn you.

A: That was a pretty good shot, Margaret.

B: Thanks. This is fun!

A: Let me help you with your serve. I think that with a little help you can be a good player.

B: No one has ever tried to show me how to play a sport before.

Maybe I can learn to do something.

A: Of course, you can. All you need is a little help and a lot of practice.

B: Do you really think I can be a good player?

A: Well, maybe not a Michael Zhang, but better than the erage. Would you like to play again Wednesday?

B: Yes. This has been fun.

Dialogue B

(W: Mr. Wood; M: Miss Margaret; S: Miss Selma; T: Mr. Ted: V: Mr. Vance)

W: Hello, Margaret, are you enjoying yourself?

M: Yes, I'm hing a marvelous time. Are the pany's parties always as much fun as this?

S: Too much so, sometimes; hing to ward off the amorous advances of a tipsy colleague takes a lot of tact.

T: And trying to remember the next day what you said when you had too many drinks can be very embarrassing.

V: You should he heard Ted last year telling the general manager how to run the pany, and no matter how I tried to change the subject, he carried on!

S: In fact, everyone makes allowances on these occasions. It's the only time when we all get together and let our hair down.

M: Selma, who's that gentleman in a white suit? I he never seen him before.

S: He's a playing boy in our office. He's just e back from a training program in Singapore.

M: Why has he got that nickname?

S: He fancies himself as the answer to every maiden's prayer. Whenever a pretty new girl es, he will try to please her Well, just don't take him too seriously and you'll be all right…(after a while) Look, Margaret! Mr. Parker himself is ing straight towards you. Perhaps he's going to ask you to dance.

P: Hello, Margaret. Can I he this dance, please?

M: Yes, I'd be delighted, Mr. Parker.

T: You must be upset, Wood.

W: I don't care. I'm going to ask Miss Lee for the pleasure of this dance!

V: Margaret seems to he settled in very well.

T: Yes. She's bright girl, and I specially like her cheerfulness and good humor. I think she's a born secretary.

W: That's enough praise for her! e and dance.

Notes 注释

1.What a week! 多忙的一周啊!

2.be good at 擅长于;精通于

如: He is good at playing the violin


3.It's a great game.


4.e on. (口) 来吧!

5.help sb. with sth.


如: After the dinner he helped his mother with washing up the dishes.


6.Maybe not a Michael Zhang, but better than the erage.


7.This has been fun.


8.too much so, sometimes.


9. ward off挡开;击退

10.takes a lot of tact颇费周折

11. how to run the pany如何管理公司

12.I'd be delighted.


13. You must be upset!


14. let our hair down随便;不拘礼节

15. fancy oneself as自认为是

16. try to please sb. 设法取悦某人

17. I specially like her cheerfulness and good humor.


18. That's enough praise for her!


Words and Expressions

personal/p+: s+'n+l/ a. 私人的;个人的

weekend/ 'wi: kend/ n. 周末

tennis/'tenis/ n. 网球

game/geim/ n. 游戏

warn/w&: n/ v. 警告;告诫

amorous/'$m+r+s/ a. 多情的

tipsy/'tipsi/ a. 喝醉的

tact/t$kt/ n. 机智;老练

embarrass/im'b$r+s/ v. 使困窘

subject/ 's)bd{ekt/ n. 话题

allowance/+'lau+ns/ n. 允许

gentleman/'d{entlm+n/ n. 先生

nickname/'nikneim/ n. 绰号

maiden/'meid+n/ n. 未婚年轻女子

prayer/pr/ n. 祈祷;恳求








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