

04月10日 编辑 39baobao.com


"Kungfu Panda"is a good movie,it is not only interesting,but also edifying .I tkink we should learn something from it,like brave,persistence,insistence and so on.So when you are in trouble,don't give up,you can think about Kungfu Panda,when he met Lord Shen,he was still facing it,and finally saved everyone.I really admire him,a great panda.

功夫熊猫是部不错的电影,它不仅有趣,还很有教育意义。我想我们应从中学到些什么,例如勇气,执着以及坚持不懈的精神等等。所以当你遇到困难时,不要放弃,你可以想想功夫熊猫,为了大家,它勇敢地与大恶人孔雀“Lord Shen”战斗,最后拯救了大家。我着实敬佩它的精神,一只伟大的熊猫!


In Kung Fu Panda 2, Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five. But Po's new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. Po must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed.

求功夫熊猫2开场白Ancient ChinaStory of Shen的英文原文

Legend tells a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills was the staff of legend, he traveled the in search of the foes. I see you like to chew, maybe you should chew on my desk. The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full, then he swallowed, and then he spoke Enough talk, let's fight!He was so deadly in fact that his enemies will go blind for the over exposure to pure awesomeness He is so awesome, and attractive. How can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness. Flew! It mattered not how many foes he faced, there were no match for his foedesity Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved. Even the most roller heroes in all of China ---the furious five Bowed in respect of this great master We shall hang out!---agreed Yeh! But hanging out would have to wait, because when you are facing ten thousand demons of demon mountain There is only one thing and that's Get up You'll be late for work! Po~ get up! Hi~ Po, what are you doing up there? Oh.nothing Monkey! mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~ Po ,let's go! You're late for work! Coming~


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