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[关于医生诊断病情时的英语口语]英语口语:询问病症1.Whats the matter with you?你哪里不舒服?(也可以这样说:Whats your trouble?)2.I he a terrible toothache.我牙疼得厉害。3.Tell me how it got s...+阅读

下面是一些在国外看病用英文描述病情的常用词汇和方法: 在美国假如生重病也是拨打911,和有紧急事情叫警察的电话一样。 Tell your doctor how your symptoms feel. 像医生描述病情,重点词汇:SYMPTOMS. 例句:I AM EXPERIENCING HEADACHES 我头疼。 Let your doctor understand your medical history 让医生了解你的病史 下面几个词汇都可以用来表示很多病情的症状, sharp, dull, stabbing, or throbbing,都是表示病情比较严重。

告诉医生生病多久了,发病频率可以帮助医生了解你生病的原因。 例句:I have had this symptom since last week. I don't feel well for the whole week, especially after I work out,” or “I only notice my symptoms occasionally .” 从上周起就不舒服了,尤其下班后特难受。或者,我有时会觉得不舒服。 常用词汇: conditions 病情, hospitalizations住院, surgeries 手术, What medications are you currently taking? 你现在吃的什么药?重要词汇:MEDICATION Do you have any allergy to medications or foods. 你对什么过敏吗?重要词汇:ALLERGY patient profile 病例 Remember to be as specific, detailed, and descriptive as possible. use vocabulary that is as specific, detailed, and descriptive as possible. Use adjectives as much as possible. For example, if you are experiencing pain, tell your doctor if it is intense. 尽量清晰的描述病情,可以用一些形容词。

例如INTENSE,很疼。 Pain 疼, Nausea 恶心, vomiting 呕吐, fever 发烧 breathing problems 呼吸困难, or headache 头疼。 I've had stomach pain for two weeks. 我胃疼了两周了。 英文实在困难也可以用数字描述形容病情严重性,0-10. Explain what relieves or exacerbates your symptoms. Let your doctor know if anything makes your symptoms better or worse. 病情加剧或减缓,尽量让医生知道。

Let your doctor know if anyone else is experiencing the same symptoms. 假如其他人也生同样的病,可能是突发性的传染病,一定及时告诉医生,好控制病情传染。 下面是有关去医院看医生的对话,供参考: D: Doctor 医生 P: Patient 病人 D: What seems to be the problem? 医生:有什么问题吗? P:I think I have a cold. 病人:我想我感冒了。 D:How long have you been sick? 你病了多久? P::For two days. 2天了 D:what symptoms do you have? 您有些什么症状? P: I have a runny nose and I ache all over. 流鼻涕,全身痛。

D:Do you have a fever? 您发烧吗? P: I haven't taken my tmperature yet, but I feel feverish. 我还没试表,但我觉得发烧。 D: Do you have a cough? 咳嗽吗? P: NO, I don't. 不咳嗽。 D: Do you have a sore throat? 嗓子痛吗? P:Yes, my throat feels swollen. It's sore. 是的,我觉着嗓子肿了,很痛。 D: I want to look at your throat. Open your mouth. Please say “Ah”. 我检查一下您的嗓子。请张开口说“啊”。

D: It's only a common cold. Nothing to worry about. You should rest for a few days. I'll write you a certificate for three days'leave. Here is some Chinese traditional medicine, which is very effective for treating colds. You'll be fine in a few days. 只不过是普通感冒。不要紧的。您需要好好休息几天,我给您开3天假。这是中药,治疗感冒很有效。我看用不了几天你就会好的。



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