

12月11日 编辑 39baobao.com


Q:You know fans are dying to know whether there is a sequel.

A:It was the job of me and my co-director to make one film, the best way we knew how. Our goal was to make it a plete experience but we wanted to feel like the film had much history leading up to it and much history after it. If that means that audiences want there to be other stories from that world, then I suppose that is a good thing. I'm sure there will be other opportunities to tell Kung Fu Panda stories.



Q:I heard a Kung Fu Panda series is up to six films, and is likely depending on the overall performance of the initial film's release. So are you sure now there is a sequel of Kung Fu Panda? If yes, do you he a time table? Or any progress can tell us?

A:I he no idea of any timetables. If the film continues to be a success then I suppose sequels will follow.



Q:Are you satisfied with the box office performance so far? What's your final prediction of the box office worldwide?

A:I think we are doing very well worldwide. I can't predict the oute since there are so many factors contributing. (From:: .rr365.)



Q:A Chinese artist called Zhao Bandi who specializes in panda-related designs suggesting the film should be boycotted. On the controversy, Zhao's plaints has prompted a backlash online, some even questioned whether this is just a publicity stunt by the artist. And the film's opening was enthusiastically received in China. I know you study Chinese culture for years. What's your attitude to those kind of negative voice?

A:I suppose I try to take a zen approach to such negativity hoping that it will all work it self out in the end. I must trust the universe.

问:近期中国有个叫赵半狄的“行为艺术家”呼吁抵制《功夫熊猫》,不过舆论和网友对他不屑和认为他是作秀的居多。而且《功夫熊猫》在中国上映至今的反响非常好。我知道你研究了中国文化很多年,那你对目前中国有 极少数抵制《功夫熊猫》的声音怎么看?


Q:When Chinese audience watch Kung Fu Panda, they obviously enjoy it very much, but some of them also he a little thought: why Chinese can not make such a wonderful animated film ourselves?You know Chinese animated film do not develop well these years. lots of critics think them lack of imagination and technology. What's do you think? Any advice?

A:It is very hard to tell a good story. It is one of the hardest things in the world sometimes. I would suggest anyone who wants to to keep trying to find you own way of doing of things, your own way of telling a story. This is the lesson Po learns and this is the lesson we as filmmakers learned. That is how you can find success. That is the advice I give any filmmaker. Find your voice!



Q:He you been to China? Which part of Chinese culture do you like? Which one is your fourite Chinese film?

A:I he not been to China but would love to visit. I love the art in China. It is very beautiful and inspiration to me. My forite Chinese film would he to be Hero. It is a beautiful film. (From:: .rr365.)



Q:In the end, thanks for the awesome film, I know years of hard work behind it. Any words want to say or share to crazy Chinese fans? Thanks! :)

A:Thank you all for liking the film! We would love to know what you liked an didn't like about it. Be awesome! And I'd love to know what the Chinese word for "Skadoosh!" is.





大班主题动物大世界——熊猫分竹大班计算领域作者: 朱桢 活动目标:1、尝试将实物进行●☆☆▲▲▲∣●☆☆▲▲▲∣的方式排序,并能讲述排列的规律。2、大胆尝试并喜欢排序活动。活动准备:1、经验准备:已积累了一些排序...


熊猫滚球活动名称:熊猫滚球(小班) 活动目标:学会与同伴两人一起相互滚接大皮球,锻炼手臂肌肉力量,发展投掷能力。 活动准备: 一、 活动前幼儿已学会《大皮球》的儿歌。 二、 大皮球若干(为...
