
love story歌词

04月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Loving Muriel]Loving Muriel Seventeen summers ago, Muriel and I began our journey into the twilight. It's midnight now, at least for her, and sometimes I wonder when dawn wil...+阅读

We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻 I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上双眼 我们的故事在我脑海里一幕幕回放 I'm standing there on a balcony in summe r air 炎炎夏日我站在阳台上 See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看着这些灯,派对和舞会礼服 See you make your way through the crowd 看你穿过拥挤的人群 And say hello, little did I know 跟我打招呼 我不知道 That you were Romeo, you were throwing p ebbles 你就是罗密欧 你朝我扔小石子 And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸说 离朱丽叶远点 And I was crying on the staircase, beggi ng you please don't go 我在楼梯上哭了 求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个我们能单独在一起的地方吧 I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 现在能做的只有逃跑了 You'll be the prince and I'll be the pri ncess 你会成为王子而我就是公主 It's a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 你就答应我吧 So I sneak out to the garden to see you 我悄悄溜到花园去看你 We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew 我们都很安静 因为如果被他们知道我们就惨了 So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while 所以闭上你的双眼 逃离这个城市一会儿吧 Oh, oh, oh 'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet l etter 因为你是罗密欧 我是红A字 And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸说 离朱丽叶远点 But you were everything to me, I was beg ging you please don't go 但是你就是我的一切 我请求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个只有我们俩的地方吧 I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等的 我们所能做的就只有逃跑了 You'll be the prince and I'll be the pri ncess 你会成为我的王子而我就是你的公主 It's a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 答应我吧 Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell m e how to feel 罗密欧 快解救我吧 他们试图告诉我如何去感受 This love is difficult, but it's real 这段爱情困难重重 但是这是真实的爱 Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of th is mess 不要害怕 我们会摆脱困难的 It's a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 答应我吧 I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around 我已厌倦了等待 我想知道你究竟还会不会回来 my faith in you was fading 我对你的信心也在减少 When I met you on the outskirts of town 当我在郊区遇到你 And I said 我说 Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alo ne 罗密欧 快解救我吧 我一直感到很孤独 I keep waiting for you but you never com e 我一直都在等你 但是你却没有出现 Is this in my head, I don't know what to think 我脑海里想的全是这个 我不知道还能想些什么 he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring 他跪在地上 拿出一个戒指 And said 说道 Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone 嫁给我吧 朱丽叶 你不会再感到孤单了 I love you and that's all I really know 我爱你 这是我所知道的 I talked to your dad you'll pick out a w hite dress 我和你的爸爸谈过了 你可以挑一条白色的裙子 It's a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 答应我吧 Oh, oh, oh We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻

love story的歌词

love story-taylor swift we were both young when i first saw you i close my eyes and the flashback starts i'm standing there on a balcony in summer air see the lights, see the party, the ball gowns see you make your way through the crowd and say hello, little did i know that you were romeo, you were throwing pebbles and my daddy said stay away from juliet and i was crying on the staircase, begging you please don't go and i said romeo take me somewhere we can be alone i'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run you'll be the prince and i'll be this princess it's a love story baby, just say yes so i sneak out to the garden to see you we keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew so close your eyes, escape this town for a little while oh, oh, oh 'cause you were romeo, i was a scarlet letter and my daddy said stay away from juliet but you were everything to me, i was begging you please don't go and i said romeo take me somewhere we can be alone i'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess it's a love story baby, just say yes romeo save me try to tell me how it feels this might be stupid boy, but its so real don't be afraid now we'll get out of this mess it's a love story baby, just say yes i got tired of waiting wondering if you were ever coming around my faith in you is better when i met you on the outskirts of town and i said romeo save me ive been feeling so alone ill keep waiting for you but you never come is this in my head, i don't know what to think he fell to the ground and pulled out a ring and said marry me juliet you'll never have to be alone i love you and that's all i really know i talked to your dad you'll pick out a white dress it's a love story baby, just say yes oh, oh, oh we were both young when i first saw you


金莎 - 相思垢 作词:许嵩 作曲:林天爱 ● 薰风习习 制作 元夜琴鼓奏 花街灯如昼 欢歌笑语飘上船头 被你牵过的手 揽不住永久 雨过方知绿肥红瘦 欲除相思垢 泪浣春袖 船家只道是离人愁 你送我的红豆 原来会腐朽 可惜从没人告诉我 寒江陪烟火 月伴星如昨 可你怎么独留我一个人过 若你想起我 不必抱愧当时承诺太重 聚散无常 怨谁错 欲除相思垢 泪浣春袖 船家只道是离人愁 你送我的红豆 原来会腐朽 可惜从没人告诉我 寒江陪烟火 月伴星如昨 可你怎么独留我一个人过 若你想起我 不必抱愧当时承诺太重 聚散无常 怨谁错 寒江陪烟火 月伴星如昨 可你怎么独留我一个人过 若你想起我 不必抱愧当时承诺太重 聚散无常 怨谁错


ti:音乐 韩国伤感经典歌曲 那个男人的谎言



[00:00.00]歌名:韩国伤感经典歌曲 那个男人的谎言







[00:25.12]撒拉利索给咯啦[ko],[qio]克马德 抢马的肋 觉.



[00:44.31]吗咯里 里[Ki]索哇[qio].



[01:03.22][02:8.04][ong]得里吐西肋 硫 恰麦 [fai]硫咽累哟.



[01:30.10]撒拉由得尤其马勒鲁,莱德 [ki]达零达拉里拉得路.

[01:35.05]琼买米哇昂得马的肋巴鲁,[k]西[ki]达库里 哇骐达!

[01:42.10]啊…… 库德库勒咯嫩拉哟,汪加嘿等勒拉得达勒拉哟.

[01:49.68]吗度得,去由 汪勾勾哟……噢!




[02:42.03][ki]达零达.[ki]达零达,得……得 库德哈鲁拉

[02:47.10]萨拉拉拉,萨拉拉拉.[ko]及吗度 哈吉妈哟.

[02:53.11][ki]达零达,好美德[Hyi]多[K] [Ki]多……

[03:00.00]ong得里吐西肋 硫 恰麦 fai硫咽累哟.

[03:04.43]美德鲁拉硫,美德鲁拉硫.昂得…… 卢佳吧哟.


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