

04月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


The, also known as stone mountain, located in Hebi Qixian County15 kilometers west of the Taihang Mountain in Shandong. Yun Mengshan is known as the first Chinese ancient military school, is the place where our country during the spring and Autumn period a bit Guiguzi -- Wang Chan lectures. Kitani hole is when Wang Chan lectures in the classroom. One day, Kitani Ko, Qin, Zhang Yi, Pang bin4student said: who can let me out of the cave, I will I work with who teach. Pang Juan idea is in the cave and, get Guiguzi out, Wang Chan heard his head sneer; Qin, Zhang Yi and kneel, professing to have urgent thing in the home, cried out with Mr. Mr. hole, expressionless face, completely indifferent; only at very embarrassed to tell a teacher:" I really can't call himself out of the hole, but if the teacher on the outside, I have to call Mr come in." Kitani Ko heard the laughter, then the art teaching and bin. Kitani inside of a mouth Yama Izumi well, every summer, Yama Izumi will be spewing out, fill the cave, to school, Kitani Ko had to leave. " Summer holiday" will begin, follow up to now. 中文:云梦山,又名青岩山,位于鹤壁淇县城西15公里的太行山东麓。

云梦山被誉为中华第一古军校,是我国春秋战国时期旷世奇人鬼谷子——王禅隐居讲学的地方。 鬼谷洞就是当年王禅讲课的课堂。一天,鬼谷子对庞涓、苏秦、张仪、孙膑4位高徒说:谁能让我自己走出山洞,我就将我的著作传授与谁。庞涓的主意是在洞中放火,赶鬼谷子出去,王禅听了摇头冷笑;苏秦、张仪则躬身下跪,谎称家中有急事,哀求先生出洞相送,先生面无表情,无动于衷;只有孙膑很为难地告诉老师:“我实在无法叫先生自己走出洞去,但如果老师在外面,我有办法叫先生进来。”鬼谷子闻声大笑,遂将兵书传授与孙膑。 鬼谷洞内有一口山泉井,每到暑期,山泉就会喷涌而出,充满整个洞穴,从而无法上课,鬼谷子只好放假。“放暑假”也就从此开始,沿袭至今。


Long long ago ,there was a teacher called Guiguzi(鬼谷子),the place where Guiguzi teachered students was GuiGU Hole(鬼谷洞).GuiGuHole has a spring well(山泉井),when heated term came,the spring would spew out and fulled the whole hole,so the class could not go on,Guiguzi had to give students a holiday.

This is the summer holiday's origin.

关于暑假计划及原因的英语作文 80词内通俗易懂

My holiday life will be busy but interesting. I am going to do my homework every day so that I can finish my homework on time.I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books so that I can read some interesting books. I am going to play sports such as playing basketball, table tennis, swimming and so on . Of course I am going to help my parents do some housework because they are busy with their work every day.I am going to spend a week in Shanghai with my parents so that we can see the expo. I am sure I am going to have an interesting and happy summer vacation. 我的假期生活会很忙,但很有趣。我去做我的家庭作业每天都让我能按时完成我的作业。我要去图书馆借一些书、去商店买一些书,我可以读一些有趣的书。我要做运动比如篮球,乒乓球,游泳等。当然,我要帮助我的父母做些家务,因为他们每天都忙于他们的工作。



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