

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com


答案英文有些怪。英文是我的母语,就由我来吧! The Origin Of EnglishEnglish is actually a mix of several languages, adopting and adapting from various cultures, both conquering and conquered. In 500BC,the Celts invaded Britain and fanned out throughout the entire land. As such, Celtic wasthe first language widely in use in Britain. This language was also widely used in Scotland, north of the British island.By 449A.D. , the Angles, Saxons and Jutes also stepped on British soil. About acentury and a half later, the Celts were almost extinguished in Britain. The three newcomer tribes had the same language - they usedGermanic. From many small states, they eventually merged into seven countries by the 7th Century AD. Further developments and exchanges between the countries resulted in the language of the Angles, also known as Englisc, being dominant. Latin scholars today label this language as Old English.By 1000 A.D. , the whole nation was known as Englaland (meaning the Land of the Angles). As the language progressed, we call the country England and the language English.



有关do和make开头的英语短语初一和初二学的do sports do a good deed 做一件好事 do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费 do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于 do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于 do much 极有用 do wrong 做错...


请问在Amazon上购买国外的英文原版书籍需要怎么购得都会中间1,你可以去任何银行申请visa或者mastercard。你只要和银行工作人员说申请visa双币信用卡就可以。 2,在亚马逊创建账户,输入你的银行卡号码。地址我建议你用拼音,方便国内邮递员...


初一英语介词的用法请详细解答谢谢! 8 20 45 15一、介词及介词短语 介词像个“游离体”, 名前动后常出现, 一旦组成“某结构”, 句中成分有一位。 “介+宾”叫“介短”, 作“形、副”句里边。 “宾补、表、定、状”, 都能用得...

谁有七年级英语介词的全部用法介词at, in, on 的用法区别 一、表示时间的区别 1. 表示时间的某一点、某一时刻或年龄等用 at。如: I get up at six in the morning. 我早上六点钟起床。 早、午、晚要用on...

初中英语介词的用法in是+大地点的,例如一座城市阿、一个国家阿等大地方,就用in,例如:in China、in Foshan at后面+小地点,像小的乡村阿、小的飞机场阿、小的学校阿、房子阿等等,如:at home \at the ai...

初一英语常用的介词有哪些怎么用表示时间的介词: at:用于表示时刻,时间的某一点。 on:用于星期,某天,某一天的上午,下午,晚上(指具体的某一天时,一律用on in:用于表示周,月,季节,年,泛指上午,下午,晚上 before:在...之前 afte...
