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[英语完形填空学习方法]英语完形填空学习方法1. 依据上下文确定答案的法则:从近几年的完形填空题看,近义词或近义短语的测试力度逐渐加强,并成为测试热点。四个选项不是词义相近,要不就是近义动词的同...+阅读


Cost as a Factor in Supply

In a purely petitive market, the supplier of goods and services has no control over the market price, because he produces too little to influence market conditions. With no difference between his products and the products __1__ his petitors, he will sell nothing if he charges above the market price and he will sell all if he charges at or __2__ the market price. However, in considering the price, he must take cost of production __3__. There are times when he may be willing to sell below his cost. This might happen when prices tumble for __4__ a short time. However, no business person can __5__ lose money for a prolonged period. He must __6__ of his costs in relation to the market price if he is to pete successfully and earn a profit.

Many people he the impression that as production increases, costs per unit decrease. __7__ mass production has made this true in certain industries and at certain levels of production, __8__ logic and practical experience he shown that costs per unit begin to rise beyond a certain level of production. Some economists __9__ this principle as the law of increasing costs.

The reason __10__ rise as production goes up is plex. However, it is easy to recognize that as production goes up, the need for additional factors of production will also grow, resulting __11__ petitive bidding in the marketplace for the factors of production. If a producer needs __12__ skilled labor to produce more, and none of this labor is unemployed, the producer will he to get __13__ from other sources. This can be done by __14__ higher wages. Higher bidding would also apply to the other factors of production. We must also recognize that not all labor is equally productive, __15__ not all land is equally fertile and not all ore is equally rich in the mineral wanted.

1. A) to B) at C) of D) on

2. A) below B) beneath C) over D) above

3. A) to consider B) into consideration C) to consideration D) in consideration

4. A) he believes will be B) what he believes be C) what he believes will be D) he believes to be

5. A) afford to B) be affordable C) be afforded to D) he afforded

6. A) constantly aware B) constantly knowledgeable of C) be constantly aware of D) constantly aware of

7. A) Because B) Since C) When D) While

8. A) both B) as well as C) also D) but

9. A) refer B) refer to C) call D) are referred to

10. A) cost B) the cost C) the costs D) costs

11. A) from B) in C) D) for

12. A) less B) numerous C) more D) many

13. A) them B) these C) it D) those

14. A) offering B) cutting C) reducing D) hing

15. A) as just B) just as C) because D) while



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2009年英语专业考研冲刺练习题之完形填空Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word. Between 1820__________ (1) 1860, _________ (2) United States underwent three s...

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