

03月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[金融英语:询问牡丹卡对话四]7A:Miss Lin,I'd like to remend a new bank card to you.I think you will like it.B:really? What's that?A:Peony MoneyLink Card.B:What is a "MoneyLink" Card?A:...+阅读

at the train station

A:What can i do for you?

B:I WANT TO BUY A ticket to shanghai.

A;when do you want to leave?

B;i want to buy a ticket for friday night

a:ok,i see, We have several trains to go to shanghai,the express, the air-conditioned train and the temporary train as well,which one do you prefer

B:i'd like to buy one for the express train, you know ,it is a long time i have not been at home

A:ok i see,have you got a studente card,if you have one,we can give you a discount

B;oh yes i have one,here it is

a:ok a ticket for friday night,do you want a one-way ticket or a return ticket

B;one-way please,howlong will it take from xi'an to shanghai

a:about 6 hours

b; how much does this ticket cost

a;120 yuan

b here is the money

a;here is the ticket, wish you a good trip

B thank you so much


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