

03月27日 编辑 39baobao.com


They are indulgent with their children. 他们溺爱孩子们。 A fond mother may spoil her child. 溺爱孩子的母亲会把孩子宠坏。 the child was spoiled by overindulgence. 溺爱不利于孩子的健康成长。 His indulgence to his children was bad for them. 他溺爱自己的孩子,这对他们不好。 The point I'm making is(that) modern parents tend to be indulgent to their children. 我所说的要点是,现代父母往往过分溺爱自己的孩子。 The point I am making is (that) modern parents tend to be indulgent to their children. 我所说的要点是,现代父母往往过分溺爱自己的孩子。 Robert was often teased at school for being a mother's darling. 罗伯特是一个被溺爱惯坏的孩子,在学校经常被人取笑。 It's time you stopped wrapping Ronald in cotton wool and let him play with other children. 你该结束对罗纳德的溺爱了,让他去和其他孩子玩吧。

She always slobbers over her children. 她对孩子太溺爱。 Alice makes over her children a little too much. 艾丽斯姨妈对她的孩子们有些过分溺爱。


Want to avoid these same mistakes, we must do a comprehensive look at the problem, do not rely on our experience to judge special treatment

Children's superior position in the family, always special care, such as eating "food alone," good food in front of him for him to enjoy one; do "only begotten" grandparents can, however birthday, children have to buy a birthday cake , gifts ...... this special children self-inductance, accustomed to superior inevitably become selfish, no compassion, does not care about others.


Easily meet

What children want to give anything. Some parents back to early childhood and primary school a lot of pocket money, more easily meet the child. This child will inevitably develop not treasure items, pay attention to the material comforts, a waste of money and not considerate of other people's bad character, and devoid of patience and hardworking spirit.


Lazy life

Allow children daily diet, there is no law to learn to play, how to on how, late, do not eat during the day yo sway in the evening watching TV late into the night and so on. Such children grow up lacking ambition, curiosity, life and just do things distracted, peter. A broken man, after going to the real contact, in doing the right judgments.


翻译: 孩子生活在家长的溺爱之下 Children live under the fond indulgence of their parents. 大部分孩子是家里的独子,他们享受了过分的宠爱 Most of the kid are being the only son in the family,they are in solid with their parents. 家长应该磨练孩子的意志。 Parents should steeling their children's will. 以下是我编辑的: the child was spoiled by overindulgence. 溺爱不利于孩子的健康成长 Fond parents who tended to spoil the child. A fond mother may spoil her child. 一个溺爱孩子的母亲会把孩子宠坏 Many parents make over their children a little too much. 大部分家族对她们的孩子们有些过分溺爱。 Parents always slobbers over their children. 父母对孩子太溺爱。 A mother shouldn't show too much favour to one of her children. 母亲不应该对一个孩子表现出过多的宠爱 Cosher up your son and he will disappoint you in the future. 如果你溺爱儿子,他将来是会让你失望的 The point I am making is that modern parents tend to be indulgent to their children. 我所说的要点是,现代父母往往过分溺爱自己的孩子 If you help your child with his work too much, you may be killing them with kindness. 如果你帮助你的孩子做作业帮得太多, 那你可能由于过分溺爱反而害了他




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