

03月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日常信函邀请参加婚礼]Einladungensschreiben -- 2. Einladung zur Verlobung, Hochzeit und zum Ehejubilum1. 邀请亲朋好友参加订婚典礼(通函)Liebe ......, lieber ......,seit ...... Jahren...+阅读

Today a friend finally married! Attend their wedding, looking at them with a smile on her face, the heart suddenly poured out ofan impulse, want to get married!

I sat there watching them happy appearance, fantasizing ownaccompany the life that who he is? I and his wedding will be how the scene? I would like them happy? Do not know how they are,would have been the thought of single life, are increasinglylooking for individuals to rely on, looking for someone to share, to accompany me through the future, perhaps slowly grew ideas have changed, but the marriage has to face a lot of problems! All attributable to the plain after marriage without love, romantic,sugary love, the rest is fuel, family matters, there are still many unknown, may quarrel everyday, think of the psychological fear,but think as long as I can and I like people together, no matterhow hard life is all the sweet happiness, after all you are not alone, there he accompany you! But I that he who can it be?



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