

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[信用证的运作流程](1)开证申请人根据合同填写开证申请书并交纳押金或提供其他保证,请开证行开证。 (2)开证行根据申请书内容,向受益人开出信用证并寄交出口人所在地通知行。 (3)通知行核对印鉴...+阅读

1. applicant request the issuing bank.

2. issuing bank issue letter of credit to advising bank.

3. advising bank advise L/C to the beneficiary.

4. beneficiary prepare all the documents that the L/C mentioned and then present documents to presenting bank.

5. presenting/negotiation bank checking document and then send to the L/C issuing bank or reimbursing bank.

6. L/C issuing bank checking document and then remit funds to the presenting bank.


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