
Callisto 木卫四英

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病人给医生的感谢信模板大全2020]病人给医生的感谢信模板1 第一人民医院领导: 您们好! 我是眼科三楼32床病人某的家属,20某年12曰11日由于工作事故在贵院贵科治疗,治疗期间,贵科的医生、护士们在我心里留下了深...+阅读

Callisto is the eighth of Jupiter's known satellites and the second largest. It is the outermost of the Galilean moons.

orbit: 1,883,000 km from Jupiter

diameter: 4800 km

mass: 1.08e23 kg

Callisto was a nymph, beloved of Zeus and hated by Hera. Hera changed her into a bear and Zeus then placed her in the sky as the constellation Ursa Major.

Discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610.

Callisto is only slightly smaller than Mercury but only a third of its mass.

Unlike Ganymede, Callisto seems to he little internal structure; however there are signs from recent Galileo data that the interior materials he settled partially, with the percentage of rock increasing toward the center. Callisto is about 40% ice and 60% rock/iron. Titan and Triton are probably similar.

Callisto's surface is covered entirely with craters. The surface is very old, like the highlands of the Moon and Mars. Callisto has the oldest, most cratered surface of any body yet observed in the solar system; hing undergone little change other than the occasional impact for 4 billion years.

The largest craters are surrounded by a series of concentric rings which look like huge cracks but which he been smoothed out by eons of slow movement of the ice. The largest of these has been named Valhalla. Nearly 3000 km in diameter, Valhalla is a dramatic example of a multi-ring basin, the result of a massive impact. Other examples are Ca

llisto's Asgard, Mare Orientale on the Moon and Caloris Basin on Mercury.

Like Ganymede, Callisto's ancient craters he collapsed. They lack the high ring mountains, radial rays and central depressions mon to craters on the Moon and Mercury. Detailed images from Galileo show that, in some areas at least, small craters he mostly been obliterated. This suggests that some processes he been at work more recently, even if its just slumping.

Another interesting feature is Gipul Catena, a long series of impact craters lined up in a straight line. This was probably caused by an object that was tidally disrupted as it passed close to Jupiter (much like et SL 9) and then impacted on Callisto.

Callisto has a very tenuous atmosphere posed of carbon dioxide.

Galileo has detected evidence of a weak magic field which may indicate some sort of salty fluid below the surface.

Unlike Ganymede, with its plex terrains, there is little evidence of tectonic activity on Callisto. While Callisto is very similar in bulk properties to Ganymede, it apparently has a much simpler geologic history. The different geologic histories of the two has been an important problem for plaary scientists; (it may be related to the orbital and tidal evolution of Ganymede). "Simple" Callisto is a good reference for parison with other more plex worlds and it may represent what the other Galilean moons were like early in their history.

