
雅思口语part2题目 describe a course of subject you would like to

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语part2]进入第二部分的时候,考官会从他的档案夹里选一页给你看,之后递给你一支笔和一张纸,告诉你你有一到两分钟的时间准备。 你可以在纸上写你的思路或者就写几个关键的单词,以防一会...+阅读

The most interesting course for me is broadcasting. I'm major in Journalism so i prefer doing some manual courses like broadcasting. Actually, broadcasting is a large range. here i focus on TV news broadcasting. i want to take this class in some western university because i know there are a lot of specific classes in broadcasting. The first, this kind of class can let me know how the TV news broadcast and then it is helpful to know the round-down about the TV news. The most important reason i want to study is that it will help me to know more facilities functions.


拿健身房做例子不知道他前面怎么问的,以下我现编现想的。 Q:what the traning session is about? A: I guess the goal to work out is to make myself fit and healthy, I was a little bit overweight, so I hired this personal trainer mainly focusing on cardio, like biking ,running on treadmill and stuff like that. Q: what did you learn from this session? A: Every single session comes in with different excersises, it's not really learning , more like sticking to a routine. I guess that's what I learned the most, consistency. It really helps me not to give up , even in gernal life. Q:Do you like it? A:At the time traning wasn't very fun , you gotta force yourself running like half an hour, it really tests your limits when you first started off. But after couple weeks when you actually can see some of you efforts you put in and comes out with results, it makes you really happy and willing to keep it going. Q: was it helpful? A: It definatly helped.I lost like 20 pounds since the first time I signed up; feeling great and energitic everyday I weak up . People often tell me that I look good, it really gains me a lot of confidence. 我在加拿大5年了,工作原因很少说中文。



8个应该根本就不够吧!雅思口语的题库光我知道的话题就有大约50个,我把可以用同样答案的话题都合并后(比如最尊敬的人和说明你的亲人可以用同一个模板),还是准备了大约30个。我还报了北外雅思学院的课程培训,集中训练了一下。你口语是准备考几分呢?我当时是按照至少6.5这样准备的。如果是想要高的成绩,还是把话题尽可能的都准备好,背下来,最好还能对这镜子练习自己的表情和肢体语言。考口语和考官face to face和容易紧张的,很多人的正常水平都没办法完全发挥不出来。尤其part one会先和考官有一大堆对话,还有可能遇到考官的口音你听不懂的情况,很影响心情的。我当时就是part two的话题准备的很充足,除非特别倒霉遇到新题目,否则几乎所有的话题我都准备过了,信心的一下子提升了很多。


雅思口语话题很多,尤其是part 2,在这里给范文也不可能该太多。下面给您part 1中Family的范文 口语Part1范文:FAMILY a) GENERAL 31. Could you tell me something about your family? ( 5 - 8 ) Certainly. My family is a typical Chinese one. It consists of my father, my mother and me. I am the only child. My grandparents passed away when I was still very young, so I did not have the privilege of knowing them. My father was one of their four children, and my mother has a brother, so I have a number of uncles and aunts and many cousins. 32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 5 - 6 ) That's a tough question. I think we have to have the policy in China. Our population had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done. Besides, the policy will give China a chance to move ahead in the world. What I mean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, China will be able to make progress in the fight against unemployment. 32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 7 - 8 ) That's a controversial question in China. In my opinion, the policy has both merits and shortcomings. The policy is one of the most effective tools to solve the increasing problem of overpopulation in the country. On the other hand, the One-Child Policy has been extremely harsh on the people. It violates basic human rights. For example, it deprives women of their fertility rights. 33. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son? ( 5 - 8 ) That's an interesting question. I believe the most important reason lies in fathers. They want their children to carry their name into the future. Only sons can fulfill the task. For example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy to receive his grandfather's name. A second reason that I could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them after they retired. They feel that when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future. 34. Who does most of the shopping in your family? ( 5 - 8 ) As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will do some shopping from time to time. My parents allow me to buy my own clothes. The last thing I would like to mention that my mother does not like my father's smoking habit and therefore refuses to buy cigarettes, so that my father has to do that kind of shopping himself. 35. Who does most of the cooking in your family? ( 5 - 8 ) My mother does most of the cooking, but my father and I will do some cooking from time to time. For example, sometimes when my mother is out the whole day doing voluntary work in our community and then my father and I will do the cooking for her. The second aspect I could tell you regarding this topic is that we often eat out. For example, often on a Friday night none of us feel like cooking, and then we visit one of the local restaurants, and have our favorite dish. 36. How does your family feel about you going abroad? ( 5 - 8 ) They feel very happy about it and give me 100% support. I believe my parents will be very proud if I may achieve a degree at a university abroad. In addition, they themselves never had the opportunity to study in foreign countries. Since I am their only child, they would do anything in their power to allow me to have the opportunity. b) MARRIED PERSON 37. Are you married, and if so when did you get married? ( 5 - 8 ) Yes, I am married. I got married about three years ago. I have a good husband / wife, and we are very happy together. To put it in another way you could say that we are best friends. We do not keep any secrets from one another. We had known each other for many years before we got married, so we did not have to adjust too much. For instance, I knew before marriage that he snores loudly when he turns onto his back when sleeping, but I didn't mind. 38. Do you have any children? ( 5 - 8 ) No, I don't have any children yet. We are planning to start with a family as soon as we have our own apartment. Until then my husband / wife and I are working as hard as possible to improve our life. We would both like to have a son and a daughter, but because of the one-child policy that will not be possible. 39. What is your child's name? Does it have any meaning? ( 5 - 8 ) My child's name is Li Ao Sheng. He was born on the day that Macao became part of China again. That's why he got the name. His nickname is Bao Bao, as we believe that he is going to become a strong man one day. 40. What does your wife do? ( 5 - 8 ) My wife is a housewife at the moment. We are looking for a job for her, but it is not easy, as she does not have any ...


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