

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[职称英语综合类阅读理解练习题4]PASSAGE 8 New York - The Melting Pot Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of the city. In 1970, 18 perce...+阅读

C The Great Wall was made of stones and bricks D They did all work by hands. A Now in some places the wall was fallen in. We are trying to get it repaired B the soldiers kept watching for enemy in the watching-towers day and night. They made fire on the towers to tell each other when the enemy came. D It is a monument(纪念碑) to the strong will and hard work of the Chinese people.





比如2002年12月份四级考试阅读部分17题,题干问“The students' criteria for selecting majors today have much to do with_____”,很多考生不理解criteria这个单词,所以在做题时犹豫不决甚至放弃。这个单词表示“标准”,其单数形式是 criterion.而criteria一词在1995年1 月份的四级考试阅读第一篇文章中就已经出现过,在原文第四段第三句“Part of the reasonwe view ourselves so favorably is that we use criteria that work to ouradvantage ”。

又如,2002年1月四级阅读第(更多外语考试资讯尽在 )四篇文章末段首句为“Moral declinewill not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society”,该句子中的关键单词reversed表示“倒转”,而很多考生当时并不知道。就是这个单词,在2003年6月份的考试中再次出现,第三篇文章第二段倒数第二句话为“But somehow the action got reversed in the programme”,后面33题就是考句中reversed这个单词的理解。而且值得关注的是,很多单词在这次考试中给出中文意思,但若在下次考试中出 现就没有中文了。比如,motivation这个单词在1991年第一次出现,给出中文意思“动力”,而1997年出现该单词的时候,已经没有中文提示 了。

又如,decline 在2001年6 月第一次出现,给出中文意思“衰退”;当2002年1 月该单词再次出现的时候,就没有中文意思的提示了。类似的例子还有很多,从这些例子中我们可以看出,四级的重要单词、较难单词会重复出现,言外之意,考生可以把历年真题当作备考四级阅读的单词书。


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1B They should work very hard at their English studies if they want to pass the university entrance exam, because English is a very important part in the exam. 2B It places a lot of importance on grammar, structure and vocabulary, and pays less attention to speech and communication skills. 3C Many Japanese students' English becomes worse after they pass the university entrance exam 4D 5 A.


Which of the following is true? 1. The story happened in the doctor's room. (T) 2. The postman went to see the doctor because there was something the matter with his foot. (F) 3. The doctor didn't listen to the man because he thought he knew the man's problem. (T) 4. The doctor thought many people had health problem only because they ate bad food. (F) 5. The postman sent letters on foot. (T)


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