

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[巧引妙导学珠算]爱因斯坦说: 兴趣是最好的老师。 对于学前期的孩子,用单纯性的教育手段对他们进行教育是不现实的,这样只会加重幼儿学习的负担和对学习的恐惧。教学内容的丰富性、趣味性,才能使...+阅读

miss white is going to have a birthday paty on sundaay.she invites her students to the party she tells them how to go to her house. on that day,one of studuents,simon,goes to miss white's house all by himself. he walks along main street and turns left. he crosses two roads and comes to the bus stop at the corner. he takes bus no.10 and gets off at fifth street. he walks three blocks to park road and turns right. he takes bus no.32 and gets off at river road. but simon can't find his teacher's house. the next day, miss white asks simon, "why didn't you come to the party? we had a very good time yesterday." "l went to river doad but could not find your house there," says simon. miss white is very surprised and says, "what? river road? but my house is on rolling road."...


1、have no time to

2、some parts of

3、How about the film?



6、He spends two hours reading English every day.

7、They carry some favourite food.

8、enough answer

9、meeting different

10、glad happy


12、There are more than

13、are looking forward to seeing

14、be/get ready for

15、forget to turn off the light...


1、have no time to

2、some parts of

3、How about the film?



6、He spends two hours reading English every day.

7、They carry some favourite food.

8、enough answer

9、meeting different

10、glad happy


12、There are more than

13、are looking forward to seeing

14、be/get ready for

15、forget to turn off the light


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