

12月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[新编剑桥商务英语练习册]ASAP : as soon as possible 尽快AOB: any other business 任何其他议题(通常在会议议程末),简称AOBenc.:英文单词enclosure的缩写形式,它的含义是在一封信中再另外寄去一...+阅读

around. Spring lasts from March to May. It's very warm. Sometimes it rains , but not heavily. Summer begins in June. It's a very hot season. The sun shines brightly every day. People like wearing sunglasses and shorts. Fall comes after summer. The weather gets a little cool, but the leaves don't turn yellow and they seldom fall from the trees. December, January and February are in winter. It isn't cold at all. It's my favorite season. You can see green trees and red flowers here and there. It never snows in Hainan, so I can't make snowmen. If you want to come here, you'd better come in winter. I am sure you'll have a good time.


新编剑桥商务英语练习册中级UnitOneManagement上【Grammar Pactice】plete the sentences with the correct present simple forms.1. Our manager (like)____________good team players.2.We always (do)_________a lo...

新编剑桥商务英语练习册中级UnitOneManagement中Grammar Pactice】 plete the email with correct present simple or present continuous forms. Re:Team-building From: Jason O'Connell [joconnell#eurobrands.] Sent:...

新编剑桥商务英语练习册中级UnitOneManagement下Abbreviations: Match the abbreviations with the definitions.(为缩写词配对) 缩写词: 1. asap 2. AOB 3. enc. 4. etc. 5. SAE 6. c/o 7. cc 8. re 意思选项: a. enclosed d...

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